[DAO:7924de2] Update #2 for project "[BID-0009] Protocol Squad & Coding Cave"

Author: 0x83f9192d59b393c8789b55d446e5d4a77075c820
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


Welcome to the second update for the Technical Liaison and SDK Support Team. Our main goals are supporting scene creators, liaising with the Foundation, and migrating selected scenes from SDK6 to SDK7. As a complementary goal, we’re developing the SDK6 Adaptation Layer, which runs SDK6 over an SDK7 runtime so scenes can still work on new explorers.


Technical Liaison

We keep the conversation with the Decentraland Foundation, and these last weeks we’ve tackled some fronts:

  1. We’ve collaborated with implementing a UI feature (TextWrap ) for SDK scenes.
  2. We’re pitching an ADR to formalize the minimap specification so it can be used in Worlds and custom realms.
  3. We continue to collaborate with the DAO DCLExplorer team to make experimental features available from the SDK; some testers are already testing the Cinematic Camera in the Bevy Explorer.
  4. We’ve connected the analytics services with the Foundation’s data warehouse, so Explorers usage and metrics can be easily compared with the Foundation’s client. We appreciate the collaboration of Manu.

SDK Support Team

We continue publishing our weekly updates on the Scene Migration side in the #sdk-suppport DAO Discord’s channel, and we’re keeping in the loop to provide support there and in the Decentraland discord (creators category).

Scene Migration

We’ve recovered some scenes applied long ago, such as Vroomway. Also, there are two more applications from the active form. At the moment, we’re still migrating AntromRPG, and one member of the team started to recognize the Vroomway scene for the first time.

Adaptation Layer

The UI is already working for SDK6 scenes, and we are still working on the runtime environment and some deprecated APIs.


No blocker to report

Next steps

There already are several scenes to migrate and we intend to advance DG library in July, finish the AntromRPG and move forward the Vroomway.

Additional notes and links

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