[DAO:6cb714a] No proposal removing Decentralization shall be enacted

by 0xbc02db030361121dd43bbb2fcbcb4f9f98c1dc7d (JasonX)

Linked Pre-Proposal

Council formation centralizes power giving too much control to a few individuals


Establishing a decentralized governance is not simple.
Reaching the proper set of equations may require a number of iterations.

We hold this truth to be self-evident, that any such iteration must result in a process which remains decentralized.



If ever the project enters a state of disarray, faith in decentralization may become swayed.
An urge towards more familiar operational structures, such as a governing council, may take place.

But we must always keep the strongest convictions in the core principle of the project.
We must make sure to not break away from the purpose at its heart, with any change we may need to bring.

We must remain true to the spirit of Decentraland.



“Adhere to your purpose and you will soon feel as well as you ever did. On the contrary, if you falter, and give up, you will lose the power of keeping any resolution, and will regret it all your life.” – Abraham Lincoln.

Unlike other virtual worlds and social networks, Decentraland is not controlled by a centralized organization. There is no single agent with the power to modify the […] economics of the currency.

Built with open standards as a public good, it operates beyond the control of any single entity.



The following policy is proposed:

  • No Proposal removing decentralization shall be enacted.

This should forego such Proposals as ones which would create a Governing Council and/or Executive Arm.



The formation of a council in this context will always be a questionable approach, as it leads to a centralization of power from which there could be no return.

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Unlike other virtual worlds and social networks, Decentraland is not controlled by a centralized organization. There is no single agent with the power to modify the […] economics of the currency.

Nor does the DAO Council or the Executive Arm have on their charters the power to modify the economics of the currency, the code of the key smart contracts, or anything that could hinder the decentralization aspect of the platform. That remains the sole responsibility of the community via the governance process or the Security Advisory Board in the case of a critical security vulnerability.

Built with open standards as a public good, it operates beyond the control of any single entity.

Again, neither the DAO Council nor the executive arm can modify the platform’s openness. Actually, unlike the Foundation, which can make its own decisions in terms of licensing the code it uses to produce the client, everything that comes from the DAO treasury must be published as open source as per this Governance proposal: Open Source all code generated using DAO funds
Also, we are currently operating under the influence of a single entity. The DAO, in its current state, cannot empower teams to build the tools the creators and developers need to take their scenes to the next level (AI? Mobile? VR UI? Things as simple as scenes working with the new SDK!).

this was supposed to be a reply to geno, and incase it is unclear, I’m calling JasonX and anyone who thinks this proposal is a good idea an illiterate child.

I think this is more related to how to access funds/money than decentralization.

A ton of tech is highly decentralized.

Landowners are still owners, same for wearables, mana, names, etc. and the funds will be used to keep, build, and improve a decentralized ecosystem where anyone is the owner and is empowered to build with appropriate tools.

I think any project to success needs continuous attention; limited time and closed-scope funded projects will just be forgotten and abandoned or have a continuous draining of funds in an inefficient way, this will be better handled with the new organization structure.

For me Decentraland is more about being owner and part of a virtual world with infinite possibilities thanks to the technology and SDK than being owner of a bag of money.

You write

[Neither] does the DAO Council [nor] the Executive Arm have on their charters the power to modify the economics of the currency, the code of the key smart contracts, or anything that could hinder the decentralization aspect of the platform.

Yet is written on here https://forum.decentraland.org/t/open-call-to-dao-council-nominations

  • Approve and publish the Annual Strategic Execution Plan and Budget.
  • Review, approve, and maintain a Treasury Management Strategy to ensure the DAO’s financial sustainability.

The charters you mention very much give the power to modify rather significant policies.

These policies would quite arguably have a large impact on the economics of the currency.

The power has been centralized here long before any council formation idea came up. between the private vested contract, esteban, the 3 whales that control everything and people that claim to be decentralized while using centralized platforms as their main avenues there is just no point in fighting what is to come beause it’s going to happen regardless.

Can we avoid double negatives… I don’t know what one to vote for…

No proposal removing Decentralization shall be enacted.

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 27% 825,114 VP (25 votes)
  • No 65% 1,868,162 VP (6 votes)
  • Abstain 8% 260,238 VP (7 votes)