[DAO:61bde0c] Gamified captcha services: secure & easy for builders, funny & smooth for users

To prove that you can “AI” it, first it ill need to be developed, the cost is far cheaper for the DAO than what has been spent by DAO and/or foundation and it’s a problem still to be improved for the players.

This just provides extra tools/components adding utility and giving value to player’s time. It always helps to care about it and improve these details because the alternative is to don’t even need AI and lose those players.

People complain about the number of players leaving but at the same time are against providing value for them, … although probably the real reason for the negativity is other …

If someone is peppering their gameplay with captchas, they are using the tool wrong.

I wanted to add some of my discussion to this proposal, since I understand that it may feel like you’ve become endemic of other issues in the DAO, but I think people are rightfully pointing out core concerns. I don’t want you to feel targeted, like your proposal wasn’t understood, I want you to feel heard while you’ve been given this feedback. I feel responsible to show that while I was negative to your proposal, I was rather correct about how it would be received when it was originally brought to the Discord. I hope I can unpack some of that here.

Mainly, when people are saying ‘this isn’t what DCL needs right now’ I think the thing some of us are trying to say is that injecting extra authentication into existing gameplay would objectively worsen the player experience, and what Decentraland needs right now, is better player experience. Hence the hype for a new client! That being said, you are free to disagree and suggest that your implementation would not deter players, but people are right to voice their opinion, vote no, and say why they’ve done so. I think some of that comes to the fact that parcel ownership is it’s own privilege, so some might see a security measure as a given, not an accrued cost.

I am not against bot players in DCL but it’s a fallacy to act like they don’t exist just because one user declares to not have seen them. They exist and are their own meme worth embracing. To @Ozymandias point, you are in an arms race. The people whom have already designed bots exploiting your parcel could simply apply a patch, furthering the divide between you and real players. You may run into an irony that happens in gaming where the right management becomes so much a detriment, the better experience is provided when you tool the game to the player’s advantage.

My last concern is that you evidently proposed this idea as a way where there would be no consent or awareness to the CAPTCHA mechanism. This is unethical, and dystopian. I shouldn’t be constantly playing games to prove my humanity, and comparing anti-cheat to this is apples to oranges. Anti-cheat is applied with consent, without interference, to existing gameplay. This adds gameplay, maybe even replacing it at points, interfering with gameplay, without consent from the player. This ultimately is why I’ve decided to dissent against this specific proposal, but I am detailed in my feedback since I want to encourage you to take these messages not personally, but with a realization that you’ve at least caught attention with a good use case for gamified captcha’s, at some point in the future.

Yet at the old adage goes;

Being early is indistinguishable from being wrong.

I think this best summarizes the reactions to this proposal, and I hope we can still foster a welcoming environment for like-minded proposals. Cheers! :rainbow::heart::sparkles:

I told you in discord and seems that you are obsessed to don’t attend the details of the project, that the project is about “server authoritative gaming components”. Nothing “unethical” like your demagogic comments trying to discredit my ethics, but to value player’s time and fun entertainment, something well known in online gaming. try to remember this two words “server authoritative”. :arrow_backward:

You make the wrong statements and therefore expose the wrong conclusions, like “injecting extra authentication” which is completely wrong. So I see you still don’t want to attend the details of the project and you want to imagine your own, maybe just for your demagogical mission.

I drop here a google search if it can help you to stop making imagined wrong statements and pointing ethics: server authoritative game - Google Search

Man, quit it with the science-fiction and all the WALLS OF TEXT !

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The real danger is that all scene code is javascript that anyone can download, parse, pull out the “win condition” parts, and just call those on their own.
The CAPTCHA functionality is there to help prevent that. Requiring a wallet signature is another way (alone or in combination).
AI bots which are able to play the game ? If someone is able to build that, they won’t be wasting their talent on something as speculative as suckling NFTs.

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(however AI bots that are able to pretend they are newbies who “feel naked”, that is easy enough to do :roll_eyes:)

I don’t think scene code being javascript is really a big problem, all webs today have javascript.

If we change that part, we can make it more difficult to abuse because debugging will be more difficult, not bad, but only that.

So, I was proposing to add little more secure gaming components to be used by other creators that could focus more on other aspects of their games while also having some mechanics already implemented …

You are not going to fend off AIs that can navigate bots through game-play by throwing more game-play at them.

Ai’s that can navigate bots

Man quit it with the science-fiction and SMALL REPLIES! (just giving the same energy you gave me)

However, you are right, and this is exactly what I was saying too!

If you look, I said these same exact words, when making the same exact point. Yet, you’re right to critique how I did not say the same thing the same way you would’ve said it with the same words.

Hope that helps! :innocent:

You are not going to fend off hypothetical AIs that can navigate bots through game-play by throwing more game-play at them.
The claim that AIs that can navigate bots are posing any kind of an issue for DCL gameplay design is still mostly speculation at this point.
In my opinion it is science-fiction, and it is inspiring Proposals whose logic is flawed from the outset !

Gamified captcha services: secure & easy for builders, funny & smooth for users.

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 47% 828,498 VP (38 votes)
  • No 52% 905,797 VP (21 votes)
  • Abstain 1% 3,891 VP (3 votes)

this game being popular now (hamster kombat puzzle), can be implemented with the proposed method. I guess they have probably secured it in a similar way to what I was proposing here (I would need to verify)… anyway… :hugs: