by 0xae0768e5ee2d5f140802f998c7293e2ff00297b2 (crnft)
Hello Decentraland Community,
I hope you like this proposal.
Proposed feature: adding social media channels to the account page meaning: Instagram, Twitter, discord, and more
First of all, I would like to say that I understand that some people prefer to be anons, so they will have the option to not share their links BUT I believe this is essential to add credibility to the project.
users will have more trust in buying land or wearables from someone who has a reputation on other social media
users can chat, network and discuss collaborations
by using IG and Twitter users can create network effects and there will be more Decentraland influencers generated
KYC. After FTX fiasco new people won’t participate in the project that is full of anons.
a lot of LAND is owned by anons, but if there was a link to chat people would be able to make mini neighborhoods together
To sum it up - it’s all about collaborating and a healthy ecosystem. What are your thoughts? I would love onboard masses…
Hey @crnft , the feature you mention already exists. If you are referring to the page, I believe this page is for the user themself once they sign-in so adding socials here would be pointless.
Honestly, i had no idea this exist and was in such a weird place. Can you send a link to your channel? I just did more research and looks like I can change it on forum/dao as well.
How do you feel about making a community directory as Arkive did:
id like to see this implemented as way for people to find streamers who stream dcl games or hold a good deal of dcl knowledge. That to me would be interesting implementing some kind of api that links to twitch or youtube people streaming DCL.