[DAO:410e8a0] [resubmission] DCL-Metrics - fundamental community metrics #2

by 0x895be97bdb9f8a244c472b18ea96dee39ddf8fe5 (dax)

Should the following $40,800 grant in the Platform category be approved?


After gathering feedback from many of you in the past weeks since our previous attempt, we have decided to try again for a continuation grant to not only keep DCL-Metrics alive but expand the metrics we offer. We are looking forward to getting back to work!

The main things we want to implement are quality of life features to make the grant process easier to track and understand for grantees, the GSS and the community at large. Please see full description below.

Grant size

40,800 USD in DAI

Project duration

10 months

Beneficiary address


Email address



In short, DCL-Metrics is a global, public metrics platform for Decentraland and we aim to give a bird’s eye view of traffic and users.

We do not have the data fidelity of analytics trackers that live in individual scenes but in our estimation that’s okay. We’re not aiming to be google analytics which gives you every detail about the users that come to your parcel. Instead, we want to showcase the broader view of the world and eventually get to the point where this compiled data is accessible via API.

For more details about what we have implemented already, please see our previous grant proposal or visit our site


The biggest changes we have made in this resubmission are as follows:

  • Decreasing our salary
    Based on talks with community members, we’ve reduced our salary from 1666/month to 1500/month for the 10 months of this grant. This does not take into consideration long-term maintenance which will occur after the 10 months - or, if you like, our salary is 625 / month if averaged over the 24 months.
  • Adding more features
    These are the QoL improvements, see below.
  • Cutting the Freelance Budget
  • Cutting infrastructure costs to 450 / month.
    During the last months, we considered closing the project as running it without grant funding is, at this time, untenable. I made some improvements to the infrastructure and shifted data around so that I could costs.
  • Lengthening the runway from 9 months to 24 months
    With a slightly lower infrastructure budget and trading speed improvements for longevity, we’ve prioritized keeping the lights on for as long as possible. In these 24 months of budget to cover basic infrastructure costs, we hope to get an API up and running so that we can fund future development. The cost of that development is NOT part of this grant. At this point, we do not plan to ask for a grant for that development work.

Planned Features

Not in order of implementation - see roadmap

  • Quality of Life Improvements

    • Live scene traffic reports
    • Full Scene history
    • Scene History by Date Range
    • CSV download of scene stats
  • Event tracker

    • Tracking details of major events
    • Dedicated data page per event
    • Attaching events to other models (scenes/ users/ etc)
  • Atlas Corp historical user data integration

  • Historical scene history and expanded data scope e.g.

    • Top users of a given scene over time
    • Retention metrics
    • New / guest / named users historical charts
  • Land / scene utilization graph e.g.

    • Display ratio of utilized LANDs
  • Additional Worlds data

    • Historical data
    • Deeper integration with /user page
  • Retention metrics

    • Calculate retention rate of a given scene / dcl in total - how many users returned after 7 days / 14 days / etc
  • Improved UI/UX

    • Variety of formatting of the chart
    • Consistency of data + FAQ / legends for better readability for users
  • Clean up technical debt for sustainability

Roadmap and milestones

2024 Q1

  • Event Tracker
  • Additional Worlds Data

2024 Q2

  • Historical scene history & expanded data scope
  • Quality of Life improvements

2024 Q3

  • Atlas corps historical user data integration
  • Rentention Metrics

2024 Q4

  • Land / Scene utilization


  • Long-term maintenance and internal features leading to API accessibility in time for the bull market :wink:

Data consistency & technical debt tasks will be split across the whole roadmap

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

View this proposal on Snapshot

FEATURE REQUEST: I voted yes I use this website it’s a really useful companion tool and the only thing to give me some idea of the number of visitors I’m getting in my games. Is it possible to add a feature - unique IP addresses per scene/parcel or is that not data you have access to?

Not only useful for individual, but whole-platform let’s us know the impact of DAO decisions. For instance most recently I showed a strong correlation to popular games being closed/defunded to a downtrend in metrics most notably Weeed Farm Robbery - when it went offline metrics tanked. It was redeployed to 27,24 and the whole region went from grey to bright blue and overall metrics UP proving the extreme value of these games like robo appocalypse, Monster Hall, Exodus, Laser Tag Everywhere, Weed Farmer Robbery etc. We are proven by the metrics we must fund these games or the ecosystem can totally collapse for sure especially this Farm. The price you’re asking is beyond-reasonable I encourage those who voted no previously to please seek some education on how much real software projects cost.


IP Address is not something we have access to unfortunately! If you’re interested to help us formulate some features though, or have ideas of ways to use the data, i’m happy to give you an API key for testing.

The price you’re asking is beyond-reasonable I encourage those who voted no previously to please seek some education on how much real software projects cost.

100% i appreciate very much that you recognize that, cause a lot of people don’t (but also 100k grants routinely get passed :person_shrugging:)


DCL-Metrics is a well made dashboard for looking at the state of Decentraland and many people including myself in the developer community use it almost daily.
I think the community has a lot to benefit from more refined data as proposed here, and Dax has proven to be a responsible leader for this project.
Voting Yes and I hope this project can continue to develop and provide valuable insights to the community.


Is it open source yet?

has been for like a year :thinking:

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Thanks! Just asking because I couldn’t find the link here =D

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For me it is clear, DCL-Metrics is possibly one of the most useful tools we have, in fact having something like this is essential.

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Hey Dax I had one more feedback. For worlds most people think they’re the future here and there’s less data and it’s not clear how they’re ranked. I’m curious how my world is doing on traffic etc and can’t see it. Would be great if we could get similar metrics as scenes and parcels.


Hey! Worlds data is something we definitely plan to put more focus on, but we are somewhat limited in the data that is available. No matter what there will be more data in this grant, such as rankings and data over time, however it could be also possible to develop an endpoint that collects data from individual worlds scenes and tracks it

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Hi @dax ! So happy to read about the new features and how you managed to resolve the budget. Usually, we from GSS don’t vote on Grant Proposals to be fair with everyone. But in this case, DCL metrics is the tool we use and recommend to other grantees, so I would love to express my support. Good luck!


[resubmission] DCL-Metrics - fundamental community metrics #2

This proposal is now in status: PASSED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 92% 11,217,879 VP (73 votes)
  • No 7% 866,229 VP (6 votes)
  • Abstain 1% 1,538 VP (1 votes)

This is cool af…
I spend most of my time in SDK7…
Will that be added so I can show off my dev time? :laughing:

This is cool. DCL metrics are super helpful. Can these metrics accessible by REST API or webhooks?
I see API page here: DCL-Metrics - Decentraland Metaverse Data

However, it is not clear how to get API token and test.