Hi @DedHeadJ thanks for asking. POIs spam on DCL map with a broken or abandoned builds that IMO far from qualifying to actually have an icon on the map to get the attention of new users or just broken or abadoned. If someone new come and he will jump to random POI he will be most likely disappointed thinking that was actually something amazing here and the rest is not so impressive, when in reality that we have now - its the opposite. There’s a lot places in DCL with proper working builds , info, links, audio, events, community and they don’t have a POI. POI have to be a top working builds.
In my opinion its super wrong, that places got POI and authors just left them in visible dust, someone who will like to apply for POI will see them as an example and will have no motivation to justify, and then after rejection on forum - this person will going to think this place is corrupted, because other places that don’t justifying have a POI and besides the theory of it, i did see that happened once here, around the winter time with one person, and its can be a formula which unfortunately not gonna be considered, like it wasn’t before.
Besides there was huge problem with POI on DCL map, 90% of the Estates had POI located hidden, not on the right spot, and anyone have to check every square to get the right coordinates to create a proposal - that was a reason for spam. It took to put nerves in the box and just keep the ride with a bricks, wishing it will be over soon
The POIs should show up current or recent alive places, as an Ad on the map with a highlight and these places should have info and have no problems with being old updated, so objects around can work properly and provide any kind of interaction with a new user and not give any disappointment
Also authors / people / communitys can comment on proposals why the POI should stay > or Authors can re-apply to show that the place is active and things are working or fixed
If someone got into DCL recent days by algorithm of suggestions, especially in such a condition like now, this user better to be not dissapointed about builds that are highlighted on the map as something outstanding and top
I see that DCL 2.0 is on the way, Alpha already middle of this summer and the best time to make actual interactive alive places with POI much more visible to be as something presentable and rare on the map or refresh dusty builds - is now.