[DAO:b7d6b6b] Remove the location -79,-54 from the Points of Interest

by 0x0749d1abb5ca9128432b612644c0ea1e9c6cc9af (AlphaAngel)

Parcel -79,-54

External Image

Should the scene located at -79,-54 be removed from the Point of Interest list?


Happy New Year, POI auditing is in session.

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

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A POI can earned again once the DCL report is actually doing something again.

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Thank you to everyone who has continued to support The DCL Report, myself, and doing your best to take care of creators :pray::heart: your efforts and courage do not go unnoticed :heart:

@KevinClark I voted to abstain because I thought you may return, can you please confirm if you will?

Changing my vote to no, I would like to hear from @KevinOnEarth about future plans. If no plans then okay, remove the POI. I spent some time and learned a lot about DCL happenings early on thanks to this POI.

Remove the location -79,-54 from the Points of Interest

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 47% 2,649,953 VP (14 votes)
  • No 52% 2,940,333 VP (17 votes)
  • Abstain 1% 210 VP (1 votes)