[DAO:233f8a7] Update #1 for proposal "Duel Arena P2E Continuum, Refinement & Game Expansion [ Resubmission ]"

Author: 0x7db5fb93ebb63854c32be09a556ae030b1b3b197
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


Hello everyone here is our first update for the February month.


We are finally finished with the AFK mining system this allows DCL users to collect rewards while they are doing something else on the background.

The reason why we wanted to make such a system is because DCL has users from nearly all ages, or even creators who don’t have the time to play a game & even users that don’t understand gaming mechanics, with this system these user can also earn rewards with minimal effort.

  • Develop the AFK mining, this system is a rock where player can go to and equip their pickaxe to start mining. - Mining gives them 1 essence shard per 10 seconds, this checks if the player owns the wearable in order to mine, then it starts the animation to continue this process until the player decides to stop.
  • AFK Mining includes a compressing machine which allows player to convert 25 essence shards into 1 whole essence, The machine has its own animation as well.

We are also done adding more resources, This gives the game a more logical twist and it also keeps track on how much effort a player has put in.

  • We added worms to the game, these worms can be used to fish and is much more logical then using 1 dandelion in order to fish.
  • Each worm spawns with a randomizer on a random random location on the map, the worms wiggle and move around with animations to show their presence.
  • Collecting these lawn with worms will add 4 worms to your inventory this includes the 2D icon for it as well.
  • W & L tokens, these tokens will be used to how much progress a player has, it’s comparable with levels. Each Won battle gives you one W token and each Lost battle gives you a L token.

We also announced on the 10th of February a 1 month leaderboard event where each player in top 5 ranks will earn rewards.

  • The leaderboard event has various rewards and is held every month for this grant,
  • The #1 players gets 175$,
  • The #2 players gets 125$,
  • The #3 players gets 100$,
  • The #4 players gets 50$
  • The #5 players gets 50$

This event generated a high activity on the parcels the players are way more competitive and give us much more suggestions on how we can improve the game.
Also additionally it prepares the players to come up with the best skills set for the upcoming tournament in April.

  • To make this process fair we got rid of some bugs & disabled surrendering in the last 5 seconds of each turn.
  • We also added a automatic & manual refresh system to the leaderboards that, the automatic refresh happens every few minutes while the manual refresh is a button that allows the player to refresh it on command, we believed this was necessary after a player suggested that its hard to keep track on the leaderboard when you have to reload the entire game.
  • We separated the entire battle system from PvE and PvP, the reason for this was because most of the players suggested that for leaderboard event a handful of players wanted to have the option to choose their battles, So we created an entire UI separating the matchmaking system into 2 giving the power to the players.

We created 4 wearables for this month.

  • The wearables of this collection are wearables that will be released near the end of the leaderboard events.
  • We will give the top 5 this entire collection for free.
  • The cloaks will be buyable after the top 5 received theirs The cloaks ( Legendary ) will be buyable for 3000 essences per piece, The crowns ( Mythic ) will be buyable for 10000 essences max 1 per wallet.


We faced no blockers.

Next steps

For the next steps we have scheduled the following tasks

  • another Leaderboard event
  • Creator store and NPC integration

Additional notes and links

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“Today, we have our Monthly Meeting with Injester and Didii from Duel Arena. The project is on track. They have completed most of the tasks proposed for Design this month and shared the results of the leaderboards. GSS demonstrated how to add evidence to the Public Roadmap and requested metrics for the Inworld category, as well as the ones promised in their proposal (Social Media Engagement - see how we score in the Explorer tab). We gave them one week to deliver this information and kindly asked them to include it in their next update as well. Additionally, they need to add DAO recognition on their parcel. We decided not to hold a Testing Tuesday since the game is complete, but rather an in-world meetup instead. For that, GSS will pass it to the Fractilians to coordinate.”

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Here is all our social media engagement, Scores in the explorer tab & the Metrics for it.

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