by 0x247e0896706bb09245549e476257a0a1129db418 (coalition)

Linked Pre-Proposal

DAO Strategy and Roadmap


This proposal aims to gather community feedback to implement Strategic Framework and Plan, developed as a part of DAO strategic planning working group, that includes governance, financial, marketing and other strategies.


As the Decentraland DAO matures and expands its influence, it becomes crucial to develop a robust Strategic Plan that outlines the objectives, initiatives, and guidelines necessary and the operational processes to set up,update and maintain strategic initiatives.


With an increasing number of stakeholders and a broadening scope of activities, there is a pressing need for a clear, coherent Strategy to guide the DAO’s direction and decision-making processes.

Strategic Plan will ensure that the DAO’s resources are utilized efficiently, goals are aligned, risks are mitigated, and opportunities are capitalized upon. It will also foster community trust by providing transparency into the DAO’s programs and objectives, thus encouraging greater participation and collaboration among members.

Strategic Framework will help DAO’s strategy remain aligned, adaptable, and responsive to both the long-term vision and the evolving needs of the community.



The Strategic Plan is a detailed guide covering Decentraland DAO’s operational aspects, goals, and proposed strategies across various domains. It serves as a roadmap for the DAO’s development and growth.

Strategy Plan is structured into key sections, each addressing a specific aspect of the DAO’s operations and goals:

  • Summary

  • Analytics

  • Financials

  • Grants Program

  • Governance

  • Platform

  • DAO-Foundation Synergy

  • Transparency and Accountability

  • Participation. Incentives

  • Marketing

  • Compliance

  • Strategic Framework



To implement and follow the Strategic Plan, a framework is required. It will ensure alignment of actions, decisions, and initiatives with the DAO’s global objectives to jointly shape DCL’s future.

The Strategic Framework is a structured set of methodologies, tools, and guidelines designed to define and implement the long-term goals, vision, and direction of DAO.

It aims for aligned actions, decisions, initiatives, and clear objectives, enabling all members - including voters, delegates, core units, and all interested users to organize the working process and collaborate as a whole to succeed.

DAO Core Units will be tasked with the implementation and enforcement of this proposal.

Annual and Quarterly DAO Goal’s Setting:

Yearly Timeline

  1. January-February: Begin the year with DAO-wide meetings to outline and establish the annual strategy.

  2. March - November: Implement and monitor the quarterly objectives, ensuring alignment with the set annual goals.

  3. December: Conduct annual review to measure the year’s performance against the set goals.

Quarterly Process.

Start of Each Quarter:

  • Conduct community meetings to gather input for setting quarterly goals.

  • Define specific objectives for the quarter, aligning them with the annual strategy.

  • Establish and update KPIs using the SMART method to reflect progress and adapt to changes.


  • Check-in to assess progress and adapt strategies based on the evaluations of KPIs.

  • Facilitate necessary mid-quarter adjustments to stay on track with quarterly objectives.

End of Each Quarter:

  • Evaluate the quarter’s performance against the objectives.

  • Conduct community meetings to report on progress, gather feedback, and prepare for the next quarter.

  • Reallocate resources and refine strategies/processes as required, based on quarterly performance reviews and feedback.

Implementation and Monitoring:

  • Assign tasks for each quarter’s objectives to community groups, including Core Units, Delegates, Voters, and other interested users, utilizing tools like Grants and Bidding & Tendering Flow.

  • Schedule regular check-ins throughout each quarter to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments.

Quarterly Reviews and Adjustments:

  • At the end of each quarter, conduct evaluations to compare actual progress against the KPIs.

  • Based on these evaluations, reallocate resources and refine strategies for the subsequent quarter.

Annual Review and Forward Planning:

  • In December, perform a detailed analysis to assess the overall performance against the annual goals.

  • Use end-of-year feedback from the community to refine goals and strategies for the next year.

  • Set objectives for the upcoming year, taking into account both the outcomes of the current year.


Setting up a Strategic Framework is critical for the Decentraland and DAO’s continued growth and success. This process will enable the community to navigate the complexities of its evolving ecosystem, align its diverse community towards common goals. This proposal underscores the importance of community involvement in shaping the DAO Strategy, ensuring that it reflects the collective aspirations and needs.

If approved, community feedback and insights will be solicited to refine and finalize the points.

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

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A HUGE opportunity for the DAO to align interests on what’s best for the ecosystem with the concrete possibility of enhancing the “planning structure” and fostering predictability through defined objectives, milestones, and a clear roadmap.

Please check te document and leave your feedback!

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From “Decentraland DAO Stratigic Plan”

*Community Involvement: Manage processes across the strategic period, engaging voters, delegates, core units, and interested users in collective decentralized governance.

Could you please more elaborate on that, specifically on how DAO will encourage more active participation from its community members in governance decisions?


It is a good starting point. I think the next step should be how to engage more community input and form consensus. Maybe arrange a poll or sth for specific ideas.

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Sounds good, yay. So, we approve this and the magic happens?

Aint gonna lie I read this and don’t understand it lol. But I know the people pitching it have continued to work hard and very active the past couple years to do there best to continue to help Decentraland so with that alone I voting YES.

Decentraland community keeps getting pushed to the side and we need more recourse and power to continue to grow this platform. We been waiting 3 YEARS now for these pet and new slots to be made and I continue to get pushed aside and delayed every attempt I make to get it done for our community. I have even offered multiple times to create it myself at no charge and still continue to get the "we will get back to you from every method I try to get it done. Having more seats at the table and access to help put in the work will finally grow our team and not put us behind as we are. Thank you!

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Implementing incentive structures for active participation in governance is one of key strategies. This could involve rewards for voting, proposal submission(enaction), badges and other types of contributions such as wearables creation and other.

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The primary goal of this proposal is to define and find consensus on the template of the Strategic Plan, which encompasses areas of DAO’s interests and the creation of strategies and implementation pathways for this areas, accompanied by a Strategic Framework as a process to organize a joint community effort to define DAO goals and collaboratively work towards them.

In this process, we identify needs—tasks that must be completed to achieve these DAO goals.

We can then issue calls for grants and tenders to fulfill these goals, with member participation in the process. This is also a good way to rethink grants/tenders approach going from needs to a call for executors (strategic grants and tenders).

Sad to hear about issue with slots, I will try to help with it.


This is a needlessly cumbersome document, and I don’t believe that the majority of the YES VP in support have read it.

Is this a precursor to a grant proposal for the continuation of the Strategic Unit once grants unfreeze?

No, this proposal isn’t it. :wink:

I think this is a good kickstart. I would like to see the implementation pathway.

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Sorry, I don’t understand the connotation behind the wink. It makes it sound like you’re saying that is what this is.

No, this proposal is not a precursor to a grant proposal for the continuation of the Strategic Unit.

Okay cool, so you don’t have any plans/intentions of submitting another grant proposal and citing this work as reason to be paid then?

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No, I don’t have such plans/intentions.


This proposal is now in status: PASSED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 73% 4,313,371 VP (42 votes)
  • No 8% 515,404 VP (6 votes)
  • Abstain 19% 1,161,993 VP (13 votes)