by 0xbc02db030361121dd43bbb2fcbcb4f9f98c1dc7d (DAO2)
I have been playing around with the ENS APP ( and with their latest update the app shows various information on Decentraland names. By using the app’s set resolver function it has become extremely simple & easy to set any Decentraland name as the primary name. What this means is Decentraland names can be used to send & receive cryptocurrency/nft’s to all wallets & all networks. For test purposes I have successfully set one of my name, Burrito.dcl.eth as the primary name. I have also sent eth to this name which was successfully delivered & can be seen on etherscan. PFP image upload function also worked.
There are many advantages for using Decentraland names as a human readable cryptocurrency wallet addresses.
No yearly renewal fees
2,3,4 or 5+ Letter or Digit are all capped at 100 Mana initial mint price
In-game Avatar Names
In-game link/location URL’s
100MB Free Worlds Space
This unique aspect of promoting/marketing dcl names as human readable crypto wallet addresses could help assist many existing & new users in web3 & other metaverse’s to step into Decentraland eco system for the first time. Resulting in mass adoption from wider communities.
Currently 3 letter/digit ens names cost $640 per year, 4 letter/digit ens names cost $160 per year. We can use this to our advantage for promoting/marketing dcl names.
For sending or receiving cryptocurrency from metamask wallet, all that’s required is to type the name burrito.dcl.eth which automatically resolved to the assigned ethereum address.
I know you are an ENS maxi and own plenty of DCL names. I love this idea. Perhaps it can become a digital ID as well? I’m clueless there but would be cool IMO.
If we can let the wider communities know about dcl names capability, capacity & potential to be used as Human Readable Web3 Names, this alone by itself would bring many new users. Who at start may only interact with dcl names as wallet adressess and later on as they learn more & dive deeper into the eco system to explore other utilities dcl names have.
Thank you. Yes that is the ultimate goal/aim. Specifically targeting Digital Identity that everyone can use.
I love both ENS & DCL names. They both compliment each other. By launching a custom smart contract on ens for dcl names has to be one of the greatest accomplishment our team has ever done.
More people displaying, using and setting their primary names to DCL names will bring further awareness and result in faster adoption.
I have configured the ENS app since quite time ago in both directions, and my twitter name is pablo.dcl.eth.
Some dapps are already using it.
It’s true that is good to tell people, and that most people miss this kind of information.
But why is this a proposal ? whats the decision to make ? or is it just to give more visibility to the post ?
Should we promote? I can answer: yes. What’s next?
Since this proposal few other community members have reached out to me saying they already use DCL names as their primary wallet addresses. However besides yourself, I and a few others how many people really know about this? The answer is not many at all.
Decision is to promote & market Decentraland Names as the human readable crypto wallet addresses.
ENS & Unstoppable have built a multi million $ eco system out of this. I am not saying we become a rival or a competition to them, but we become an alternative choice/option. If we want to onboard new users we have to think of new strategies. This strategy we are talking about hasn’t been explored at all, or to it’s full potential yet. This is my honest opinion. In terms of $ spent, it could well turn out be one of the better expenditures when compared to most, if not all DAO grants in terms of onboarding new users & bringing awareness to Decentraland.
Foundation team can come up with a strategy based upon this & even apply for a grant if necessary or use own funds.
What’s next? I could not tell you that, but the possibilities are endless and this is an untapped area, which has not been tackled at all.
If there is positive feedback from the community, I am sure we can take it to the next stage.
Thank you for submitting your proposal. I would vote in favor if more details were presented. How will we promote this? What mediums/channels/marketing strategies will be used? Who will be in charge of managing the campaign? How much are we willing to spend and how will we measure the success of this promotion? Thank you.