[DAO:05aed18] Add the location 27,-123 to the Points of Interest

by 0x6728961be0ce39fd4f5846912736eb3616608bb6 (Work4btc#8bb6)

Sky High Capital

Should the scene located at 27,-123 be added to the Point of Interest list?


Sky High Capital is the 1st SEC-registered, on-chain investment fund! Floors showcase investment. Our 20k+ community will visit.
We will have games and wearables. We will host weekly comedy shows and have semi-large names already lined up.

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

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We are the communities of Sky High Capital (on twitter and discord), NFTdraft.io, and Pinmaster.io, for anyone reading.
If anyone has advice on how to get a vote, lmk. :slight_smile:

Hi Work4BTC!

Thank you for taking the time to submit a POI proposal! It’s exciting to see your project in Decentraland. You asked for how to get votes, and I’ll post some guidelines I personally look for when voting for POI stars below:

To me I think locations that are worthy of a Point of Interest star have done the following:

1. Worked to host events before applying for a POI star
2. Gotten to know community members and become active within the DCL community
3. Brought value to the greater Decentraland community in a way that is not self-serving
4. Minted the name they are proposing the POI with
5. Have not voted on their own proposal: Let the community make this decision

Many businesses wait months or even years before applying for a POI star. Have you held any events at your land? Do you have any scheduled in the future? Many brands may believe that a POI star is the next logical step in building their presence in the metaverse. However many of us feel that a POI star is an honor given to locations who have expended time and energy to build not only their brand, but Decentraland as a whole. Some brands seek a POI star to draw attention and customers to their parcel. Other options might include: Hold events at your land, either for your own brand, or let other users use your venue to showcase their wearable release, DJ party, etc. Have event pages for your events to drive traffic to the parcel. Sponsor community events, such as the fashion shows held regularly and other projects that would benefit from the support. Maintain a social media account and connect with Decentraland users on Twitter, Instagram, Discord, etc. The more the community gets to know you and your venue, the more value they will feel that it brings to Decentraland.

This is general information I share with most venues applying for POI stars, and I hope that it has been helpful. I will be voting no at this time because I’ve not seen any other community engagement from you. I’d be happy to vote yes in the future as your company gets more involved and becomes more active in Decentraland :slight_smile:

Hey SH Capital! The consensus in the community is that POIs are given only AFTER we’ve seen you organise events for a period of time.

I do hope to see ya’ll get to it and then review your application 6 months down the road. For now its a no sorry :frowning:

Thanks for this advice. The good news for us is we have many plans for organized events!!!
Our first event is planned for May 11th, where we will host a comedy night. We have some pretty reputable names scheduled to perform and inroads with many professional comedians, so this could be a great thing for us all!!
The success of the first one could be improved with guidance from long-time DCL members, like yourself. If any of you are willing to help us integrate into the community, please message me on discord #nftdrafter#7110

Looking forward to it! I’m sure the community will change their votes the next round when u apply if your events come to fruition. Wish u all the best!

You can join the DAO to engage with them, along with the Community Building Decentraland Discord.



I agree. POI stars are reserved for parcels that are consistently providing quality content and engaging the community. Thank you for creating a space in Decentraland. We are looking forward to connecting with your content and revisiting your proposal again in the future.

Add the location 27,-123 to the Points of Interest

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 1% 40,511 VP (23 votes)
  • No 87% 3,671,517 VP (61 votes)
  • Abstain 12% 532,611 VP (9 votes)