Pet collection
- Description: Happiness is having a pet…!!
- Rarity: rare
- Category: feet
Link to editor
Hello, love this very interesting design!
I noticed your thumbnail isn’t meeting restrictions of 1024x1024 transparent png and can you please email with proper documentation that you have the rights to use IP of Nintendo but also confirming you signed the IP agreement when publishing.
Once done let me know and I can review again~
This looks so great, thank you~
If you can update the product thumbnail to be 1024x1024 transparent png, I can approve this.
please approve this as soon as possible…!!
Currently there’s a broader discussion regarding category for these lower body pets so I’ll be able to approve once the community has spoken. Have a look and I’ll get back to you asap! Thank you for understanding~
Hey my friend!
Thank you for this one, currently this wearable has been approved with poor weighting and his had some complaints from the community which is why the proposal was set up to avoid further wearables entering the market with similar issues and allow the committee to re-review this one. (so issue was not specific to your design but this style of pet all together)
The proposal decision will effect placement of where you put the pet meaning it will have to be weighted correctly (rather than connected to the foot) and probably static as part of a category. Some examples of static pets being:
I will definitely keep you in the loop and just for reference as to why this is a quality issue being reviewed by the committee this is part of the approval criteria documentation:
In addition to the Content Policy, the committee may reject wearable submissions on the following technical conditions: - It is important that wearables be “skin weighted” correctly so that the avatar animations can be rendered as expected. Wearables without correct skin weighting will be rejected.
please check it now.i make the necessary changes in the weight,
i am depending upon this wearable for my next creations.
Hey! I love this, amazing work~
Currently it’s still under the category of shoe so once the proposal is closed on the 22nd, I can review this appropriately. If you would like to change category check out this as reference:
if you ask me about my opinion shoe category is good for weight issue. @michi @Lauretta @HirotoKai
Sorry for the delay, I’ll review this now!
Hey just looking now.
Currently the tri count is above 500tris which is the limit for earring category. Please update the thumbnail to show 50% of the earring as part of representing the category.
The little pet is currently clipping into the ground, can you have a look?
Thank you for understanding and I’ll review this again when it’s updated!
hey check this now,i totally change the design and move it into earring category @michi
hey buddy,please review it now!!
Nice, like this new design. Can you please update the thumbnail to show 50% of the earring as this is earring category. Once updated I’ll re-review~
Done!! with the thumbnail @michi
hey buddy,is it all okay with this creation or should i have to make some changes?