Collection 'Crédit Agricole' created by Metagellan is ready for review!

Crédit Agricole

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IT 2025 - Digital Workplace

I will check collection now! :slight_smile:

wearable is OK
please send IP rights for “Credit Agricole” to

Thanks for your reactivity. Do you have a prototype document that I can submit to Credit Agricole?

I think legal team can help you with that document, ip stuff, etc :slight_smile:

I will write right now :grinning:

Hello Theankou, we are currently waiting for the IP rights from our Client Credit Agricole in order to continue the mint. Just before we do that, they want us to change the logo on the wearable. Is it still possible to do that and change the glbs ?

yes, it’s possible :slight_smile: you can update your wearables in builder, no need to pay any fees, just update current models and push changes

Perfect we are on it! And we will get back to you as soon as we can with the final change on the wearable and the document for the legal team. Thanks in advance!

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The collection has been assigned to theankou

Hey @Laetitiahoneine, collection approved!

Hello, my client sent the legal approbation to your legal team.
We just updated the logo on the wearable.

Thank you !

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Hey @Cantinos, collection re-approved! all good now, enjoy!