Collection 'AKCB Skin' created by Roustan is ready for review!


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Hey will review this now

The collection has been assigned to AndreusAs#3991

Collection approved!

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Thank you @AndreusAs

@AndreusAs Currently, a minted item is not showing the thumbnail or visibile in the backpack. Same strange issue that happened during the exotic wearables contest. I imagine it just needs time to update for whatever reason, but in case a dev needs to push something, just thought I’d share.

Hey! Yep, it should go away by itself, but in case it doesn’t just tag me here, will try to figure it out.


Hey @AndreusAs , I pushed some changes for client 2.0 to test. Can you please approve the changes. thank you.

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@lautaro Apparently wearable curators are unable to push changes from what I understand? Trying to solve and test some fixes for a number of wearables having issues in client 2.0. Pushing this change here will let me know whether or not my theory works on a fix. Can you help somehow expedite this push?

Hey! Sorry for the delay.

The changes don’t ssem to be pushed: the collection is in unsynced state.


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Just pushed now. the option wasnt available earlier :slight_smile: was green @AndreusAs

Collection re-approved!

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Thank you very much @AndreusAs

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Hello again @AndreusAs had to push another change. Please take a moment to approve. thank you.

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Hey! Will approve once gas fees are low enough to let me do that, shouldn’t take longer than an hour.


The collection has been assigned to AndreusAs#3991

Collection approved!

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Sorry to keep bothering you @AndreusAs but since there’s no test net for 2.0 I have to fix things via the client 2.0 to see how they look. Hopefully, this is the last push. please approve changes. thank you.

The collection has been assigned to AndreusAs#3991

Collection approved!