[DAO: QmT4Ka2] Bring renewable electricity to Decentraland

by 0x73c4914a6ec3e450a52b90bd7fe73929abc0241a (LTI)

Should the following Tier 4: up to $60,000 USD, 6 months vesting (1 month cliff) grant in the Platform Contributor category be approved?


NRverse is aiming at decarbonizing the metaverse through linking it to renewables energy.
For this NRverse is leveraging trusted certificate called Renewables Energy Certificate (generated each time a renewables plan as a windmill or a solar panel is generating electricity) which are tokenized. Then the electricity consumed is evaluated in the different location. This energy calculation should include the end user device, the networking and the servers of the metaverse.
Once the energy is evaluated for each location (granularity of a country), a new NFT is created including the extract of all the related certificate based on the preferred energy type (e.g. wind, solar…).

Grant size

49,997 USD

Beneficiary address



The grant will be used for standardizing the current API of NRverse for Decentraland purpose. The ultimate goal would be to offer seamless “Decentraland Green Option” or DGO in Decentraland platform for running on green electricity any land, event or user experience. This will mean that each time the DGO is activated each related electricity consumption around the world will be backed by renewable energy.
For doing so we will need to adapt the modules of NRverse to Decentraland specific parameters, we talk about: the calculator and the tokenizer of Renewables Energy Certificate and finally the interface.

  1. Calculator: First, and most important, is to develop the proper calculator modules adapted to Decentraland reality.
    1.1) Evaluation of electricity consumption: The electricity consumption is coming from multiple source: the end user device, the networking, the server of Decentraland.
    For each of these electricity consumption centers, 2 aspects must be evaluated: the location and the amount of electricity during a certain period. In that context the project will develop a specific calculator based on the data from each user (IP address, wallet information, browser…) but also based on Decentraland servers data.

1.2) Listening to Decentraland through SDK: Then the calculator will need to interface with the current Decentraland SDK to evaluate specific land information (e.g. amount of users, wallet information, transaciton happening…)

-> The result of this should evaluate in real time the worldwide consumption of electricity of the activity on the land (e.g. parcel 45,62 consuming during last hour 30kWh in Germany, 1300 MWh in US, 48 kWh in Brazil…).

  1. Renewables Energy Certificate tokenizer: afterwards the amount of energy that is calculated needs to be extracted from existing Green certificate and tokenized into one NFT.
    2.1) Tokenizer: We need to create the smart contract that will generate the NFT including all the extract from the different guarantee of origin.
    2.2) Update REC mother contract: We need to implement the logic that will update the smart contract that is containing the different original Renewables Energy Certificate (these are tokenized initially from a PDF coming from trusted issuers all over the world).

  2. User Interface: Second the interface for proposing Decentraland decarbonization services will be built. It includes a portal for organizing event (for corporate for example), the renting of Land. This will include partnership with player like moonbash and MGHDAO.

Ultimately we should have on one side an API that could be offer to anybody that wants to integrate in its land automated decarbonization and on the other side a portal that can help any participant, land owner to initiate the decarbonization of a land (continuously) or a simple event. On top we could include this certification explicitly into some ticket that can take any form of collectible.


  1. The first capability of the product has been developed (in beta): upload the pdf Renewables Energy Certificate and transform them into an NFT.
    In that process, the PDF’s (from the initial Renewable Energy Certificate - REC) are parsed and data are stored in IPFS, they are then signed via Verifiable Credential thanks to the wallet of the REC’s supplier (here metamask). The interface is to upload the data is a simple webpage. The NFT is then generated and transferred tot he wallet of NRverse.
    The current chain used is Ethereum testnet because VC’s / DiD are not available on polygon yet but that could be derived easily based open source code from EWF (GitHub - energywebfoundation/ew-did-registry) which was used by the team in the past in other projects. There is a full documentation about the API and the process which could be put at disposal.

  2. We need now to create the calculator capability for Decentraland and the related activities. This module will be most likely developed in javascript and will start by the evaluation of ethereum transaction notably based on McDonald calculation (https://github.com/kylemcdonald/ethereum-emissions/blob/main/input/extra_data_label_regex.json ).
    For the first version of the calculator the use in Decentraland will be based on benchmark as: laptop/desktop consumption, server consumption and networking from similar game and well as studies. Some details of technology architecture from Decentraland (servers, databases…) would help to evaluate more accurately the energy consumption.
    For accurate calculation of an event or activity on a land the SDK of Decentraland will be used. Some advanced functionalities as conditional access to a parcel will also be used for specific event organisation for example. Another important interface will be the marketplace as certificate could be integrated as metadata of NFT to incentivize the explicit choice of participating to an event based on renewable energy.

  3. The last capability to develop will be the tokenizer module that will aggregate the NFT containing all the extract of the Renewables Energy Certificates will be developed in Polygon.
    The wallet to be used will as well be Metamask and the payment will be managed in Mana.


The project will be elad by Kai & Loic co-founder of NRverse and by their partners from BloxMove, MGH DAO and Lineup.

Kai Schmied is engineer with 10 years of experience in energy including 4 years fo experience in managing blockchain project in the context of the energy sector. He has for example implemented Decentralized Identifiers into Electrical Vehicle for seamless integration into the energy market. He’s now NRverse co-founder.

Loic has also a background in energy sector and 10 years of experience from trading, consulting, and innovation in a major utility. He worked on blockchain project since 4 years and started with for example with the settlement of micro energy transaction. He’s now NRverse co-founder

Harry Behrens is CTO at mobility start-up bloxmove (token BLXM) with deep experience f web3 (was in the past the head of the blockchain factory at Daimler). He’s a reknown expert in the eco-system (especially in Germany) and has already focused on the development of the smart contract for the creation and the signature of the NFT of the mother Renewables energy certificate.

Phil Thomsen is blockchain developer working for MGH DAO, startup focusing on metaverse project notably in Decentraland. Phil will contributes to smart contract creating new NFT from the energy consumption calculation.

Dmitriy Gatsura is experienced project manager and has deep experience in web2 and Web3, he will focus on the calculator module and its interaction with the smart contract.

Roadmap and milestones

The goal is to complete the overall project in the next 4 to 6 months. Current roadmap is based on an assumption of 18 weeks project:

Milestone 1 (Week1-2):

  • Finalize the calculator for Ethereum transaction
  • Logic for energy consumption in Decentraland finalized (in kWh/user/h)

Milestone 2 (Week3-5):

  • First calculator module completed (excluding Decentraland SDK integration)

Milestone 3 (Week 6):

  • Documentation of calculator
  • Finalize architecture of the tokenizer

Milestone 4 (Week 6-7):

  • Development of the tokenizer

Milestone 5 (Week 8)

  • Testnet value chain of calculator + tokenizer for specific case (e.g. 1h event hard coded data)

Milestone 6 (Week 9-12)

  • Connection to the NFT of the mother Renewable Certificate
  • Implementation of Decentraland SDK input to take into account activity on specific parcel
  • Metamask integration for transaction

Milestone 7 (Week 13-14)

  • Test end to end in a parcel (e.g. from MGHDAO) of generation of Renewables Energy Certificate NFT for activity on the land, first user feedback
  • Design of the portal

Milestone 8 (Week 15-17):
-Portal development for interfacing with land owner, event organizer and Decentraland user
-Implementation of interface with marketplace of Decentraland

Milestone 9 (Week 18-20)

  • Organization of test event and iteration on UX and bug fixing

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I voted no because i don’t see where this will benefit DCL & Community

1 Like

Thank you @ArtReYou for your POV. Indeed the impact can seem not direct. Though indirectly, running Decentraland on green energy, could also position this verse as a (even more) front-runner and attract new players and activities. Indeed, be mindful that advanced 3D, and soon AI will consume a lot of energy (through servers, headsets, networking…). The fashion week and the 108k participants consumed more than 100 EU households on a yearly basis. which means 50-80 t CO2. Of course these numbers are dependent on lot of assumptions, but the fact is there, playing on Decentraland is consuming electricity that is not always proven to be green.

Though I can understand that the immediate impact of this and climate change is obvious for the community… even if it can more than ever propel Decentraland as leading Metaverse

Have you seen the coal plants in Decentraland? Atlas Corporation

Bring renewable electricity to Decentraland

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 1% 2,913 VP (12 votes)
  • No 99% 1,219,100 VP (33 votes)