[DAO:f5c2b3f] Update #4 for proposal "Continued Development of Soul Magic"

Author: 0xd91db432d98d80e9467206cab3b9c46081795f0d
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


In November, Soul Magic Capture Game, the NFT trading card game of Soul Magic was launched in DCL worlds Arcania. There are 110 cards initially in the collection, containing creatures and characters. During our launch, we have partnered with around 20 gaming communities, and brought 2,043 unique visits to Arcania. On the day of PvP launch on 10th Nov, the number of unique visits reached 1,529 visits. The number of unique visits in Arcania reached 2.7k in November up till 23th Nov.


During 8th to 11st November 2023, there was a 3-day trial launch event of Capture Game. Users could play against AI for the purpose of trying out the game. Minting of the starter pack of the card game, which consists of 1 creature card and 5 character cards per pack, started on 11st Nov. On the same day PvP game play was launched, and only players with NFT cards were able to play. During the month, we realized a substantial growth in the number of players and gained traction on social media.

X: Grew from 4k followers to 38k in November
Discord: Grew from 18k to 21k in November
Player base of Capture Game: 702
Total player base of Soul Magic: 18,967 (+4k in Nov)

Statistics of Arcania
DAU: 300-500
Unique visits in Nov: 2.7k

Statistics of Land (-29, 81)
DAU: 100-300
Unique visits in Nov: 1.2k


Access right of land (-29, 81) is to be resolved, no update on the game on the land yet. We are actively communicating with DCL Foundation to get this solved.

Next steps

-Launching Space in early December, which is developed in SDK7
-Launching Potion crafting game play in mid December
-Migrating the existing game to SDK7
-Magic event by the end of December or January

Additional notes and links

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