Author: 0xd91db432d98d80e9467206cab3b9c46081795f0d
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: On Track
This is the fourth month of Soul Magic’s development grant. During the month, we hosted Testing Tuesday demonstrating the gameplay of our card game. DCL Game Exhibition was held during the end of June and Soul Magic was featured. There was a card game tournament held during the month. On development side, function within Space including invitation as well as a mini-game in Space that allows cooperative mode were developed. The new features will be launched in the first week of July.
Approaching the end of this development grant, this month our focus is mainly on developing the remaining features as mentioned in the grant proposal, as well as hosting monthly Capture Game (our NFT trading card game) tournament. In June, the function within Space including invitation as well as a mini-game in Space that allows cooperative mode were developed. The new features will be launched in the first week of July. Capture Game tournament in June started on 28th June and lasts for 2 days. 1000 $MANA will be distributed to winners once the completion of the tournament.
During the month, we hosted Testing Tuesday demonstrating the gameplay of our card game. DCL Game Exhibition was held during the end of June and Soul Magic was featured.
In Jun 2024, the impact metrics of Soul Magic game are as follow: Unique visits: 970, Average daily active users: 135, Average returning users: 114, Average time on scene: 3 hours 28 minutes, Player base: 27,129
Next steps
Preparing a new round of user acquisition in July, operate PvP tournament, develop the remaining NFT staking function, preparation for Toyko Game Show
Additional notes and links