[DAO:cfe8bcc] New Proposal Type: Land Concession

by 0xd11a019a70986bd607cbc1c1f9ae221c78581f49 (Yemel)

Linked Pre-Proposal

Should the community begin discussing a revitalisation strategy for Plazas?


Formalize a process to request to the DAO the operator’s rights of a public space, such as a plaza, a road and other DAO’s owned LAND.


This proposal calls for the creation of a new proposal type in the Governance dApp, called Land Concession, that allows anyone to request the permissions to deploy content on the requested LAND/ESTATE.


The recently approved grant of LastSlice collective: An Immersive In-World Marketplace Proposal has shown the need for a formal process for the DAO to make a concession of a public space.

At the moment the public spaces such as roads and plazas are being operated by the Decentraland Foundation. This has been a good solution so far but now the DAO needs to have a formal process to delegate the development of public spaces to other members of the community.

See this two relevant proposals:


The Land Concession proposal enables Decentraland citizens to request the operators right of LAND and also to revoke a currently active concession. The proposal should define the LAND Coordinates, duration of the lease, purpose of the lease, company signing the lease agreement and the wallet to give rights to.

The Land Concession should automatically expire after 6 months and the beneficiary should re-submit their proposal in order to get the concession for another term.
The land that is not under an active concession should be given to the Decentraland Foundation to manage and deploy content as they have been doing so far.

If the DCL Foundation wants to secure their rights of using a public space (e.g. Genesis Plaza) they should request it by submitting a Land Concession proposal as any other community member.

The Governance Proposal should allow to concession Plazas, roads and other LANDs that the DAO might own in the future. The Governance Proposal should not let you request a concession for a piece of land that is already granted to a community member.

The Governance Proposal form should include questions regarding the purpose and intended use of the requested space. The spirit of this proposal is to encourage the development of public services that benefit the DAO and the whole community.

Voting specifications:

  • Submission Threshold: 100 VP (i.e. equivalent to one name)
  • Approval Threshold: 6M VP
  • Voting Period: 2 Weeks


By doing this we keep empowering the Decentraland community to make decisions about the project via proper DAO Governance mechanisms while simplifying the operations and making the process transparent.

The public spaces of Decentraland should be developed by its community and this is the right mechanism to assign those responsibilities in an open way.

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

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The Land Concession proposal enables Decentraland citizens to request the operators right of LAND and also to revoke a currently active concession. The proposal should define the LAND Coordinates, duration of the lease, purpose of the lease, company signing the lease agreement and the wallet to give rights to.

This proposal calls for the creation of a new proposal type in the Governance dApp, called Land Concession, that allows anyone to request the permissions to deploy content on the requested LAND/ESTATE.

The Governance Proposal should allow to concession Plazas, roads and other LANDs that the DAO might own in the future.

I agree with permission to allow concession of Plazas and other LANDs but isn’t Decentraland roads are the places that need to be kept public to keep them clean of content and always available for exploring ?


I agree that roads should not be up for concession, or at least they should have a different set of rules (user can’t have total freedom in deploying to them, they still need to be free).

otherwise i really like this, thanks for drafting it @yemel!

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I hadn’t thought of the roads, I guess for roads it would be cool to see some bikes or vehicles, etc, but I’d always want to see a road still, as I like they exist. Great to see this formalize more, and look forward to seeing how ppl from the community want to make use of these lands!

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Now this is a cool concept!

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I agree with the idea of granting lease concessions to certain plazas or areas within plazas. But the wide open nature of this proposal seems very dangerous.

Currently, the DAO voting process is far from democratic. It would not be hard for a land/mana whale or two to take advantage of their power and annex vast areas of land in DCL.

In addition the DCL Foundation has done a great job creating beautiful plaza spaces. Most of the plazas don’t get heavy traffic, but that’s because there aren’t many events or games located there. I’d much rather see a concession process that lets community creators run events and create attractions within existing plazas, without giving them the ability to wipe out entire plaza builds.

Making the DCL Foundation fight every 6 months to keep control of Genesis Plaza is also misguided. Genesis Plaza is the first place new players land and the Foundation has a vested interest in making sure the onboarding process is as good as it can be. A small group of whale voters, who could even be hostile anons, will never have that same dedication.

I have to vote No on this, even though it’s already leading by a wide margin. I’d much prefer a more balanced proposal without all the massive risks.

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If the DCL Foundation wants to secure their rights of using a public space (e.g. Genesis Plaza) they should request it by submitting a Land Concession proposal as any other community member.

I disagree with this part… I may be wrong but I believe public spaces belong to the foundation and therefore they should not request permission to build on them. I also agree with the road issue… although it would be nice to have some small hotdog stands or street musicians around DCL. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you all for your comments and contributions.

Agree, we could leave Genesis Plaza out of the equation for now.

Roads are controlled by the DAO (Aragon Agent) and delegated to foundation through a proposal. However plazas are still controlled by a Foundation wallet. In my understanding they were not moved to the DAO for practicality, but they are a public space and the DAO should have the final say about it.

Agree that we should have special rules for roads and if the developer breaks the rules the concession should be revoked. Check out the genesis city map, there is already an example of a road with custom content and I believe it’s pretty cool.

Also, don’t you think that just naming the roads would be super cool?

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Naming roads cool idea.I was on this road lol, its nice. Maybe there also can be some custom roads with certain regulation and some public unobstructed roads for example near showplaces etc.

Also, what you think about bringing vehicles to Decentraland in near future ?

New Proposal Type: Land Concession

This proposal is now in status: PASSED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 99% 3,439,336 VP (54 votes)
  • No 1% 40,525 VP (2 votes)

I think that the purpose and spirit guiding this proposal is really cool and is in the benefit of the Decentraland community. However, I also think that the owner of public LAND such as public plazas is the Decentraland Foundation. If the Decentraland Foundation is the legal owner of public LAND, don´t you think that we should ask the Foundation their opinion on this matter? Otherwise, wouldn’t this be setting a negative precedent that may be used against any of the private owners of the platform? I mean, if the DAO could decide what to do with Foundation’s property that could be the same for someone else’s property.

On the other hand, this proposal implies that the DAO will manage the LAND concession process, don’t you think that the implementation of the management process will be complex and difficult for the DAO? Centralizing the management in a new DAO Committee does not look so different from what we have. Maybe we can think alternative ways of enabling users to have access to deploy content in Decentraland without taking land from owners.

Additionally, as many others have stated, I think there are many places that should be out of the scope of this proposal because they are essentially public and are relevant for Decentraland community. The main example is the Genesis plaza, this is a very important place given that is where every user initiates at Decentraland. The same applies to other plazas and public roads. The Foundation has a lot of experience dealing with public LAND within Decentraland, and IMO it has ensured neutrality in the use of the LANDs and I don’t think we should change that.