[DAO:8dda1ac] Remove the location 97,-116 from the Points of Interest

by 0xed0e0cb94f60f72ec94bef848f5df4cbd365af1d (InJesterr)


External Image

Should the scene located at 97,-116 be removed from the Point of Interest list?


Rental Period of the parcel is over, The Creator stopped funding out of pocket due to unpaid labor by the DAO for the month April, No maintenance will be done this game unless the DAO pays their debt ( 23.500 DAI ).

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As you can see the Rental Period = Over there is nothing we can do :man_shrugging:

Hey @InJesterr, we have never agreed but I will say that I think you may have tried to make something your own which is kinda cool. I am never arguing with you again, I would just suggest for reputation’s sake just pay the people who won your tournament. They believed in you and your game, and you should be thankful for those people and not punish them.

Based on your lack of future commitment, I will vote YES but I wish you well.

A grant is supposed to cover expenses, now 2 people have worked theor butt off for this project from their own time from their own efforts an entire month tried everything they can to fulfill the promises we made and we did fulfill them, these people could have focus on their job in this month go to holiday do whatever they made but no instead they patiently waited and co operated with the dao and rc. and that all only to hear that their entire month will not be covered by the DAO?

So I took the responsibility and paid them myself whatever they expected, and I am not going to pay any penny further until the I get my money back.

I gave the committees a week to pay not the full grant but only the month we worked really hard for, if not I will take this to court :man_shrugging:t2:

My lawyer and I are pretty sure that we will be able to get the entire amount + damages if this is the case I will not only pay the players but also pay the players triple their amount theyre expecting, patience is key.

Envisioning a world where those people who you promised a reward to suing you for not paying them. Seems like a real mess but hey let’s see what those lawyers have to say.

Can we get the transaction links please? That’d be great =)
EDIT: Oh, the overpriced “dev” and “committee manager”, not the players… :man_facepalming:

You are bragging about all your money, showing a box of cash and what you consider a “high-end” watch and yet you will not pay the people who churned to support you??? Such a low-level, entitlement.

Really wondering what the good government of Turkey feels about that.

Get them to sue us, it will only show proof how the DAO has underpaid us in the month april.

If you promise to send my damages to me, I’ll show the transactions beforehand If not then I don’t feel obligated to proof you anything.

Lol you can clearly see I took the money out of a legitimate bank when you look at the straps of holding the money together :joy: The government is fully aware of how much I paid in taxes and how much I have invested in companies how else do you think I became a citizen :man_shrugging:t2:

Also the government litterally know more about this money since my lawyer has already put it in my folder and got legitimized by a notary.

Fair @InJesterr sue for whatever damages you think are due but why not just give those people who believed in your game their prize money? $1500 has been sent to you as a trusted person to distribute that to those who earned playing the game that was funded by the DAO. I don’t know really how it works but for me all we have is our name and reputation in life. You can kind of fix your reputation in DCL by just doing the right thing here.

Hey weasel @HPrivakos atleast encourage people to vote for this shit proposal to remove the damn poi you know I cant so why dont you do it since you are the one muting me :rofl:

Remove the location 97,-116 from the Points of Interest

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 99% 1,570,864 VP (35 votes)
  • No 0% 0 VP (0 votes)
  • Abstain 1% 8,586 VP (5 votes)