by 0x8218a2445679e38f358e42f88fe2125c98440d59 (1010)
The previous poll on whether the DAO should buy back LAND (link below) ended with a resounding YES.
Therefore the next step in approaching this proposal is to set parameters. As according to the previous poll, a majority of voters who voted “YES”, chose ‘Buy cheapest at marketplace’.
There will be 3 polls to decide the parameters for purchasing ‘Cheapest at marketplace’
A. The ceiling price PER PARCEL allowed by the DAO to purchase from marketplace.
B. The total amount of MANA that the DAO is allowed to spend MONTHLY on purchasing LAND.
C. Whether contiguous LANDs should be given priority.
The final consensus will be as such:
There will be a price cap of ‘(A)’ per parcel, at a spending limit of ‘(B)’ monthly using DAO funds. Contiguous LANDs will/will not be given priority’(C)'.
This poll is to decide on point (B).
All terms are valued in MANA.
- Monthly Cap of 10k
- Monthly Cap of 20k
- Monthly Cap of 30k
- Monthly Cap of 40k
- Invalid Question
- Invalid question/options