[DAO:46a52b7] Update #4 for project "Decentraland No-Code UI Design Studio"

Author: 0x89a1d730aa1e78a0ede8dea988acecff0a6e99a9
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


The project continues to stay on track with all roadmap milestones for the month completed. The GitHub repository can be followed at https://github.com/szilardjanko/ui-design-studio and the web app can be tested at https://ui-design-studio.vercel.app


  • UI Containers: Users can now set properties such as flex direction, align items, align content, justify content, flex wrap, margins, and padding for UI containers.

  • Nested Elements: Add labels, buttons, and input fields to containers. You can even nest containers within containers, allowing for complex menus with both horizontal and vertical alignments.

  • Users can now create custom colors or select from preset color palettes, making it easier to choose visually appealing color schemes.

  • Icons are now displayed next to UI elements in the left menu, the layers section, and the properties editor on the right side, enhancing the visual organization.

  • A lock and delete button now appear on top of a UI element when selected, providing quick access to these functions. Future updates will include “copy properties” and “duplicate element” buttons once all properties are finalized.

  • Clicking on the grid text turns off the grid, allowing users to move UI elements freely without the constraints of a visible grid.



Next steps

  • Develop dynamic UIs and button event handling

  • Create preset drag and drop components for social media links

  • Improve DCL UI code generator component

Additional notes and links

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