[DAO:1ba73b4] Update #8 for project "[resubmission] DCL-Metrics - fundamental community metrics #2"

Author: 0x895be97bdb9f8a244c472b18ea96dee39ddf8fe5
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


This month was mostly behind the scenes work, migrating server resources and taking care of long-term sustainability and maintenance tickets


nothing client facing, but we made the some improvements to resource caching and updated server resources on BE as well as updated the server used for FE



Next steps

complete the land utilization feature

Additional notes and links

View this update on the Governance dApp

I once asked a question (about how AFK spent hours are calculated) through the built-in contact form (top-right button on dcl-metrics.com) but never received a response. I’m surprised that the broken contact form isn’t addressed here either as a blocker or as a solved issue. Or maybe, the questions are not taken seriously.

hey there @OnSr those contact requests go to our telegram notification channel where we also get error reports, etc - it could be that it slipped through, sorry about that! I do know that it’s working as we just had a feedback the other day from another user.

re: your question: in a nutshell if a user is detected in the same position over a certain period, they are considered AFK until movement is detected. Hope that helps!

we process afk here, starting around line 67:

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That’s the answer! Thank you and have a nice day :+1:t2: