Collection 'Skins by RIP' created by 0xcfac...0c4b1 is ready for review!

Skins by RIP

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Will check the collection now

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OMG ! I want this !!! :fire::fire::fire:

I notice an issue with normals shown in the picture and the thumbnail background should be transparent. Let me know when its fixed by tagging me here and ill approve asap!

Hi @Yannakis, it’s not a normal issue, but a hole :slight_smile: I fixed it, It should be ok now ! Thank you !

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Could you also make the mask double sided so its not transparent from the back and make the thumbail background transparent?

@Yannakis all done !


Collection approved!

Why is this collection approved? This is a direct rip off of the layer one wearable. You are allowing knock off items on the market and lowering the value of an already iconic wearable.

Hey, i had no idea thank you for letting me know. @Drylan collection will be temporarily disabled untill some changes are made to make it not look the same as the original design.

Hi @Yannakis ,
What is the original? what does our friend @drylan have to change for it to be validated?

Even though both are copies of the Breaking bad hazmat suit…

@Yannakis yes it is a reference to breaking bad the colors and the blue gloves.

what should we change? if we add two gas bottles in the back is it OK for you ?

Id say a color change and a change to design for body would do it

@Yannakis if we do a paler yellow with a gas bottle and a big nuclear logo is that ok?

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Yeah id also recoment changing gloves color and the zipper on front

@Yannakis with all the modifications the outfit will no longer have the desired effect. I don’t understand your decision my friend.

I can’t find a halmaz suit in the market. moreover it is necessary to have variations I agree to make modifications but the person cannot have the monopoly of the yellow jumpsuits because he put online first.

there are many cigarettes, cigars, blunts, casquettes or hat, etc. this is what makes our market rich. have the choice with several type of similar model (not identical but similar).

possible to see the product in the market with this yellow combination? I promise that our friend @drylan will do everything to differentiate this model without losing the identity of the product

:pray:t3::pray:t3: God bless decentraland

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Has it been temporarily pulled from market place?
Note sure why Cryptanthropy is making an issue.
Both suits are distinct… One is more orange , the other yellow. the masks are different style, The color of the respirators are different. One seems to have rings all up the suit and the other more smooth.
The respirator on one is orange the other glowing pink.
Blue gloves are also not a unique feature… Both are prety generic in that they do look similar to real life suits in use.

Putin in a suit

thank you @Matsumoto !
I don’t want any trouble with Putin! haha

So we can validate @Drylan collection @Yannakis ?
And the people who bought the product will be able to recover it?

thank you and have a nice day everyone :pray:t3::pray:t3:

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