pro wrestler Masahiro Chono
Masahiro Chono Gold Gown
- Rarity: unique
- Category: skin
Link to editor
Masahiro Chono Black Gown
- Rarity: epic
- Category: skin
Link to editor
Masahiro Chono Gold Gown
Masahiro Chono Black Gown
Hi! Checking collection now!
The collection has been assigned to theankou
add this categories to hiding list:
if you want to combine skin with tiara wearables, please decrease size of head a bit
also, head should be weight painted to 1 to head bone, right now it’s not
I have hidden accessories.
Verification please.
do you have IP rights for use Masahiro Chono name? Please provide them here:
I have my own approve, but currently it is difficult to write out IP right or translate English.
Can I use only one, masahiro or chono?
sadly, but you can’t change collection name anymore because it’s published you will need to contact team and provide IP rights to them, otherwise collection will be rejected
thank you for reply .
Please wait for a while.
I am checking with my seniors.
I have any question.
->What certificate do I need for IP right? I want to know the specific contents.
If you have a sample format, please let me know.
->If you reject this collection
If I use mana again to issue this skin again, can i use the collection name be named Pro Wrestler Masahiro or Pro Wrestler Chono?
(For example, can i use only one first name or last name instead of full name.)
thank you for reply
I sent an ip right to an email at with the address
I would appreciate it if you could tell me that I sent IP right.
Hi! All good with IP rights, please provide fixes that i listed above and collection will be good to go
very very thank you for ip right.
I have hidden accessories.
Verification please.
Hey! What about head weight painting, is it intended to have it not perfectly assigned to 1 to head bone?
Update thumbnail size to 1024x1024, otherwise i won’t be able to approve collection due to builder error, thank you!
thank you
The head weight painting is OK as it is.
Did the thumbnail size change from 256x256 to 1024x1024?
Is thumbail necessarily required? I didn’t intend to include thumbail this time, so I didn’t.
I can’t approve collection without thumbnail with 1024x1024 size, i’m getting error
So, yes, you will need to update thumnails
I understand.
I will put a thumbanail photo from now on.
Is OK thumbail photo size 1024pxx 1024px and the background is transparent?
yes, 1024x1024 with transparent background.
thumbnail photo has been uploaded.
please check.