[DAO: QmRVcF8] Add the location 46,12 to the Points of Interest

by 0x0e74ea9735675b5e28cc65f3ac5c70134cf37640 (Mandril#7640)

Discovery Quad

Should the scene located at 46,12 be added to the Point of Interest list?


The scene at 46,12 (45,11, 45,12, 46,11 & 46,12) is a visually great event space, and notable as a top secret hub for the Rovi.AI community. The 7 floor scene hosts many interactive NFT assets which form part of the Rovi metaverse game.

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

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Add the location 46,12 to the Points of Interest

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 27% 135,316 VP (82 votes)
  • No 1% 4,510 VP (2 votes)