[DAO:eed3547] Update #5 for project "Decentraland No-Code UI Design Studio"

Author: 0x89a1d730aa1e78a0ede8dea988acecff0a6e99a9
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


All roadmap milestones were completed for the month of August. The GitHub repository can be followed at https://github.com/szilardjanko/ui-design-studio and the web app can be tested at https://ui-design-studio.vercel.app


  • Created dynamic UIs and button event handling.
  • Created preset drag and rop components for social media links (The preset options include instagram, facebook, twitter, youtube, discord, github and lens. More can easily be added if requested. Also, once the custom design options are created, the user will be able to create their own)
  • Improved the DCL UI code generator component to be able to handle button events.

Butten events currently include opening a URL or hiding/showing a UI component.



Next steps

  • Finalize the advanced customization features
  • Setup a feedback collection system for beta testing
  • Beta release: open beta for Decentraland DAO community to test features
  • Develop initial collaborative design functionalities

Additional notes and links

View this update on the Governance dApp

This is super cool! Can we also save our work? Or import previous export back in the editor?