by 0x247e0896706bb09245549e476257a0a1129db418 (LordLike)
This proposal aims to serve as a foundation for the systematic management of the DAO Treasury, focusing on long-term financial analytics and planning, as well as the development of a sustainable financial strategy for the DAO.
This can enhance DAO stability, enabling it to meet its financial obligations over extended periods and maintain its operations and programs, such as Grants and Tenders, in the long term.
On February 20, 2020, the Decentraland DAO was given 222 million MANA by means of a 10-year vesting contract.
Systematic Treasury management will help diversify economic risks, improve transparency, and create additional revenue streams for the DAO.
The suggested measures include, but are not limited to, improving financial reporting and transparency, expanding the DAO’s holdings across a range of assets, and adopting efficient systems for managing the DAO Treasury.
The proposal suggests:
Implementing internal controls to ensure DAO Treasury is operating effectively.
Adopting accounting principles to improve transparency.
Establishing financial guidelines and templates.
Optimizing Treasury operations.
Creating DAO financial programs, such as liquidity provision or asset investment.
Developing easily found, convenient and detailed financial reporting and dashboards.
Development of a transparent and automated DAO Financial Report System.
Creation of a financial model for DAO decision-making.
Development of a DAO Financial Strategy.
Establishment of efficient systems for managing DAO Treasury funds.
Creation of comprehensive risk assessment strategies.
Definition of long and short-term DAO financial budgets.
Creation of an internal control framework.
Engaging in Community discussions on Treasury management.
Formulating Treasury Management guidelines and documentation.
Establishing a DAO Treasury Committee or Squad.
The establishment of a DAO Treasury Management Process will be a collaborative process involving the Community, and its points will be proposed in Draft and Governance proposals after discussion with members.
Please share your ideas and concerns related to this proposal in the DAO Discord or comments (forum post).
YES: I support the establishment of a DAO Treasury Management Process.
NO: Leave as it is.
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