[DAO: bafkrei] Add the location -69,35 to the Points of Interest

by 0xbeee816c3ab89976b22faba9a17e12488e30bcaa (YouMack)


Should the scene located at -69,35 be added to the Point of Interest list?


EndoMack - Endo and YouMack have been active in the DCL community for a long time. Our goal has been and always will be to bring fun, creative, unique events to Decentraland. We strive to inject our zany humor in everything we do!

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This is an easy YES from me. EndoMack has been massively great in the DCL community and love this location! It says I need 1 vp to vote even tho I have way more then that. So it may be a glitch. I will keep trying.


Most definitely a yes for me! :sparkles:


You mack Decentraland a fun place with your humour and fun events, you zany ladies. I love your endos. Absolutely frickin’ fruitly yes to this!


TY so much Aaron! We appreciate your support and all you’ve done for the community as well!!

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Yay!!! Thank you Billy - many 69s to you!! XOXO


We appreciate your vote srJH!! and promise to continue creating fun events for the DCL community XOXO

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Add the location -69,35 to the Points of Interest

This proposal is now in status: PASSED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 100% 1,135,871 VP (80 votes)
  • No 0% 0 VP (0 votes)

Add the location -69,35 to the Points of Interest

This proposal has been ENACTED by a DAO Committee Member (0xfe91c0c482e09600f2d1dbca10fd705bc6de60bc)