[DAO:a779859] Should we restructure the way our DAO operates?

@ginoct I left comments on the RFC for the executive arm, and appreciate all your work into this.

However, let’s call a spade a spade. Again, in the same conversational tone we had on the twitter spaces - this is literally a top down approach. How so you ask…Who came up with this proposed structure?

Was it Maroz, Esteban, Yemel, yourself, and others at the “top” of each organization, or was it the person(s) with 10vp coming up with the idea and bringing it to the DAO Summit?

Like I’ve said before, just don’t pretend it’s a DAO by the definition of the acronym. There’s nothing proposed in this organizational that pushes the concept of a DAO closer to “Decentralized” or “Autonomous”.

I’m copying this from the RFC Executive Arm Draft Proposal discussion for complete coverage since it’s a very big topic.

The proposed structure creates 1) an executive branch 2) an elected council to “govern” the executive branch. The DAO (community) becomes TWICE removed from decision making.

The Executive Arm (decision making) → The DAO Council → The DAO (community) - this is how far removed the community will be from decision making.