[DAO:70dbbf1] Remove the location -29,91 from the Points of Interest

by 0xa01d51e047cd9b69850ebe2b472c54d458b378c2 (Huepow)

Oasis Arcade

External Image

Should the scene located at -29,91 be removed from the Point of Interest list?


Webside from the icon doesnt work
Lift doesnt work
Leader board doesnt work
Twitter account not active for 1,5 year
Free play doesnt work
Last time scene was updated: 05/01/2023

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For the record @Huepow the lift DOES work, you just gotta press the red button, sir… lol

Anyway, I think this is a cool build, could almost go into Legacy POI category, however because it’s a gamified experience that’s basically not working now, it should probably be removed, unfortunately!

The red button is actually works, thanks for correcting @Billyteacoin . I might didn’t noticed the button behind the hologram. My bad!

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Remove the location -29,91 from the Points of Interest

This proposal is now in status: PASSED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 98% 6,750,292 VP (34 votes)
  • No 1% 15,177 VP (3 votes)
  • Abstain 1% 24,251 VP (2 votes)