[DAO:6c34f32] Decentraland DAO Treasury Diversification

@Canessa @maryana thanks for the feedback and sorry for the late reply.

As I mentioned in the proposal It’s important to note that in some months, when the entire budget is utilised, we won’t proceed with Ethereum purchases during those quarters, while other months like Q4 2023 we have a budget for such action.

Before proceeding with my approach, I observed that in Q4, we had approximately $400k in unused funds, while in Q3, we almost had zero remaining funds. Considering this, adopting an unstable quarterly percentage, as suggested by Maryana (either increasing or decreasing), will fluctuates with the varying unused funds each quarter, and that will lead to a very low accumulation of Ethereum. Such an outcome would not impact or empower our DAO treasury in the end, which is the main goal out of this proposal.