[DAO:59a455d] Update #9 for project "[resubmission] DCL-Metrics - fundamental community metrics #2"

Author: 0x895be97bdb9f8a244c472b18ea96dee39ddf8fe5
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


we’re gearing up to finish the grant with the last major feature being put in place and some long-term sustainability and performance improvements


the scene utilization feature should be rolling out in the next few days, here’s a preview as it’s not yet live:

External Image

utilization is the measure of lands with deployed content - so any land that has a scene on it, regardless if that scene was visited at any point in the day. the heat map, also shown, shows visits to deployed scenes. so it goes like this:

all parcels (the entire available map of DCL) > utilized parcels (with a scene deployed) > active parcels (someone visited there in last 24hrs)


not a blocker exactly, but we had a large DDOS attack and/or hacking attempt during this month. luckily our API is relatively secure, but I ended up putting the app into maintenance mode for ~24 hours cause of the potential associated costs. This didn’t have much effect on usage as the front end app is 75% cached content updated periodically via fetching scripts.

However I am monitoring the situation - my guess is it was a one-off, if it happens again i’ll have to take other measures.

Next steps

finish up the front end implementation of the scene utilization and continue tweaking longer term maintanence tasks.

Additional notes and links

View this update on the Governance dApp

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