by 0xd91db432d98d80e9467206cab3b9c46081795f0d (Mazzak)
Should the following Tier 4: up to $60,000 USD, 6 months vesting (1 month cliff) grant in the Gaming category be approved?
Soul Magic is a magic-themed play-to-earn role play game in Decentraland. It enables players to earn in-game resources, items, and NFTs. Soul Magic was selected to join the first P2E incubation program of Decentraland in early 2022. Since the public alpha launch, Soul Magic has quickly become one of the most popular games and consistently stays at the front page of places to visit in Decentraland.
In order to expand Soul Magic and grow the community, we are applying for this grant to accelerate the pace of our development. We wish to make Soul Magic more than a game, but also a popular place in Decentraland for collaborations and providing metaverse experiences.
Grant size
60,000 USD
Beneficiary address
Email address
Soul Magic is a magic-themed role play game in Decentraland. Since the public alpha launch, we have acquired over 3,000 players, the size of around 400-700 weekly players and 1,000 weekly sessions. We aim to develop it to be one of the most popular places in Decentraland.
Highlights of the project achievement so far:
- Completed the first play-to-earn incubation program of Decentraland
- Launched private alpha in September 2022 and public alpha in October 2022
- Distributed rewards to community, total value is around 18,000 USDT, including Learning Hat, Goldeneye NFT, Soul Magic Cyberpunk skin and Tenshi Akuma NFT
- Developed game plays including mining (ores and magic stones), farming and storage
Child Z NFT holders can unlock the private room in our game and display their NFTs - Server optimization and performance enhancement
- Over 17k Discord members and growing
Events launched:
-Mining contest at public alpha launch and OG wearable giveaway
-Metatrip visit hosted by Polygonal Mind
-Tenshi Akuma NFT giveaways to 100 participants
-Goldeneye soft launch campaign and NFT giveaways
-Meta Gamimall’s Metamine event giving away Soul Magic Cyberpunk skin
Our team is committed to devoting ourselves to the expansion of the game and community. We planned to enhance the game features and functions, ultimately attracting new players to Decentranland and retaining existing users. It is expected that Soul Magic game will reach 20-30 users at the same time after the upgrade.
With the help of this funding, it allows us to expand our project team and also upgrade the game server, to achieve the goals listed on the roadmap below, and deliver major game updates to the community following the expected timeline.
Discord: Soul Magic
Public Alpha version
We are launching the game alpha version on Decentraland in September 2022. The alpha version involves the following game setup and features:
Environment in Decentraland:
-5-floors magic school including Lobby, School Hall, Classroom, Laboratory and Private Room
-Forest surrounding the magic school containing farmland, mine and Magic Circle which will be used for future NFT crafting
Game features:
-Inventory system involving storage chest box and backpack carried by player
-Players plant various seeds to gain crops from harvest. Player trains farming skill-level from farming activities
-Players mine raw rock to gain various ores from mining. Player trains mining skill-level from mining activities
-Currency system - to include the in-game currency “Gold Midas”
Players can display their NFTs collection in the private room of Elswyth Magic School
With the help of the grant, we will develop the following game functions and expand partnership with different projects:
Game functions to develop
-Additional skills for players to train when they collect and process resources, including but not limited to Botany, Alchemy, Runology, Crafting, Meditation
-At least 20 additional items for players to collect in the game as the scale of the game expands, including in-game items as well as Decentraland wearables
-Exchange center - to let players trade resources in exchange for the game currency Gold Midas or other resources
-PvP game for players to compete with each other in the game for rewards, with the use of resources collected from the game
-Spell Book for players to train their magic skills related to resources collecting, crafting and combat, as well as the animations of casting the spells
-Partnering other NFT and metaverse projects (3 partnerships in the pipeline), with an aim to assist creators to be on-board and expand the user base of Decentraland
Proposal budget breakdown
Tech Stack - Blender, Unity, Node.JS, cloud server
Mazzak - Co-Founder and Game Designer
DDD - Co-Founder and 3D artist
Louis - Storyteller and Game Design
Ken - Project Manager
Gary - Fullstack Developer
Matthew - Backend Developer
Michelle - Software and Blockchain Developer
Ash - Graphic and 3D designer
Roadmap and milestones
December 2022 to February 2023 Deliverables
-Additional skills - Botany, Alchemy, Crafting, Runology and Meditation
-Exchange center for resources trading
March 2023 to May 2023 Deliverables
-Spell book development
-PvP game
-Additional items in-game and DCL wearables