Collection '**YO** Christmas costume' created by Yasuaki is ready for review!

YO Christmas costume

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YO Christmas Hat

YO Christmas Jacket

YO Christmas Pants

Heya! Could you make a small change to a tag or description and save changes? It’s not currently showing up in our curation tab. Let me know once a change is saved.


I edited the tab and resaved.
Did it show up in the curation tab?

The collection has been assigned to Grimey

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Yep that fixed it, thanks!

Awesome wearables! Just a couple of things -

  • Please reduce material count of the jacket and the hat down to 2. Also please do a pass at reducing the tri’s of the hat to get closer to the 500 tri limit if possible.


  • Currently the Jacket and pants don’t have female representation, Please add this if possible.


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We have responded to your feedback.
Please check.

We will continue to develop better costumes so that decentraland will be more exciting.


Look forward to seeing more! Great stuff. All approved, Cheers!

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Thanks for reviewing.
Thank you for your continued support.



Added HolidaySeason tag.