Collection 'VENTEO GENESIS' created by JonnyVenteo#0a3d is ready for review!


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Venteo Founder Tee

VENTEO Founder Chain

Venteo Emblem Hat

The collection has been assigned to Yannakis

Hey, for the shirt just a couple black spots on female and some flipped normals on male. For the chain just lower the emission to not be so bright maybe around half that. For hat just a gap on male version, female is good!

hello i’ve made the necessary changes how do I upload the GBL files??

Hello I’ve made the necessary adjustments how do I reupload the GBL files ??

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Hey, make sure to tag when you respond so i can see it. You can go back to the builder page, select the collection and either click the pen icon or the 3 dots and “edit representation”

@Yannakis when I upload one representation say the female it will erase the male version i’ve gone back and forth adding the files and it keeps doing the same thing! I open in editor click the pencil I upload one representation then click the pencil and upload the next and when i switch body types and the item says I haven’t uploaded a representation! so I do and then I go back to the other sex and it say i dont have a representation again! LOL please help!

Let me know if this helps!

that option doesnt appear on the editor …, do i have to add the item from the very begining and not through the pencil!! when i click the pencil this is what come up no option to add to an existing item @Yannakis

in this screenshot im trying to add the female shirt rep but no option to add to existing item! and if i add it will erase the male rep @Yannakis

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Go back to the collection page, click the wearable and then the 3 dots on top right

im here but when i hover over collection the three dots dont appear only for the collection that arent being published!

im i at the right page @Yannakis

or do you mean this page


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This page, now click at a wearable and then 3 dots

ok what option im i looking for @Yannakis

@Yannakis R0B18.jpeg)
this is were im at

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Click on the wearable first…

Ok I’ve uploaded the new files for your review., Thank you for being so patient with me its my first wearables and im still learning the process.,I appreciate you for going back and forth with me thank you kind sir! @Yannakis

Make sure the neck area is only weighted to the neck bone