Collection 'The Bronx Brand' created by 0xe2d8...a5a52 is ready for review!

The Bronx Brand

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The Bronx Brand X Hoodie (N/BLK)

hi! checking collection now!

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  • snap corner vertices of your model to corner vertices of standard legs, with weights set to 1 on hip bone

  • also, make sure that all holes are closed

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Hello theankou!

Thanks so much for reviewing. I believe I have now made the recommended updates. Let me know if there is anything else I would need to do for approval, thanks again!

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  • marked part should be skinned (weight painted) to 1 on hip bone

  • female version should be adjusted at bottom and snapped vertices to corner of standard legs for seamless transition

thank you!

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Hello theankou!

I just reworked the wearable to accomodate the female version and reweighted the hip bone. Thank again for the review and feedback! Let me know if there is anything else I need to do for approval, thanks!

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There are some unwelded vertices, please weld them

female version requires some skinning adjustments (left and right side)

i noted that you use one model for male and female avatar, you can add additional model for female here:

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Hey theankou!

I just uploaded the updated wearable, let me know if there is anything else to work on for approval, thanks again!

Hey theankou!

Just uploaded the updated wearable and I think i finally got the issue fixed. Let me know if you need anything else for approval, thanks!

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  • there is something wrong with shading (normals) on your model, please fix it (add weighted normals modifier), all other issues seems to be fixed

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Hey theankou!

Just uploaded the updated wearable with the weighted normals modifier. Let me know if you need anything else for approval, thanks!

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collection approved!

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Hey theankou!

Thanks so so much! Have a wonderful day!

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