Collection 'Temple Game Lava Axe' created by TempIe is ready for review!

Temple Game Lava Axe

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Lava Axe

The collection has been assigned to Sango

please make the thumbnail 50% the earring and 50% the axe then i can approve

Thumbnail was updated

please make sure the thumbnail is 50/50

Axe size reduced and head size increased in image.
We were going for the same thumbnail look as before Collection 'Temple Game Steel Tool Set' created by TempIe is ready for review!

Some adjustments were made, current version looks good @Sango ?

The thumbnail still needs to be made 50/50

Thumbnail adjustments were made

Due to your requests @Sango the current head (bottom right corner) has been made much larger than for other our wearables (top left corner) that were approved by you previously Collection 'Temple Game Steel Tool Set' created by TempIe is ready for review!

But this collection has still not been approved yet, have there been any recent guideline changes?

the earring needs to take up around 50% like i previously stated. right now you cant see it, even though you added a head the earring is still too small to even see in the thumbnail slot

So the guidelines have not changed since you approved this Collection 'Temple Game Steel Tool Set' created by TempIe is ready for review! but same type thumbnails will not be approved anymore?

Do we understand correctly that any thumbnail containing head with earring will not be approved going forward and and only images containing just earring mesh are ok from now on?

the thumbnail must be 50/50 earring and item. if you cant see the earring in the thumbnail then it isnt correctly representing the item to buyers.

They both must be visible even when the thumbnail is in the marketplace. As it stands, your thumbnail fails to represent the earring in these circumstances

ok, head in thumbnail has been replaced with earring mesh image

This collection has been approved