Collection 'TAR Galaxy' created by BROVID19#68bc is ready for review!

TAR Galaxy

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TAR Galaxy Hoodie + Gloves

  • Description: 1st Decentraland Item From TAR Fashion. Made From 100% Stardust.
  • Rarity: rare
  • Category: upper_body

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Looks like you are missing a female version

And the skinning at the bottom of the hoodie is incorrect, the bottom part needs to be 100% skinned to the hip joint, otherwise is clips through as you can see

You are also exceeding the 1.5 triangle cap by quite a bit. Try to lower it to somewhere closer to 1500


Hi, thanks a lot for the comment! Really appreciate the help. This is the first item that we are creating so we are struggling a bit. We managed to fix all the issues with the male version, but the female version doesn’t work properly, could we publish it just for male models? If not, could you give us some advice how to make sure it applies to the female model as well?
Thanks a lot for the help!

Hi, we just updated it and it works great now for both male and female.! Please test and thanks for the help!

Hey, just approved it now :pray: