Collection 'Samsung 837x MVMF 2022' created by samsung837x is ready for review!

Samsung 837x MVMF 2022

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Samsung 837X Butterflies

Samsung 837X Spotlight

Samsung 837X Pillars

Samsung 837X Festival Buddy

The collection has been assigned to theankou

Hi! There is a limit for accessories wearables → 500 triangles
pillars → OK
spotlight → add top_head + 1 any other category to hiding list (due to triangle limitations)

butterflies → i recommend you to change category to top_head, or add additional model that will match tiara category, also, due to triangle limitations, add some categories ot hiding list

festival buddy → i recommend you to change category to top_head, or add additional model that will match tiara category, also, due to triangle limitations, add some categories ot hiding list

Ok our team has updated :slight_smile:

collection approved!

hi! we need to re submit 2 of these wearables as a new collection…is that possible??

yes, but if you will do minimal changes of color or add some small additional details