Collection 'Real Life Avatar' created by 0xb459...ea5dd is ready for review!

Real Life Avatar

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Mario Skin

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The collection has been assigned to AndreusAs#3991


  1. Consider reducing the ampunt of tris to 5000 maximum.

  2. There also is a problem with the scan texture here, consider hand-tuning it:

  1. The model seem to have lots of unwelded vertices all over it, like here, please, double check:


Hello, I’ve replaced the revision file. Please have a look and let me know.

@AndreusAs, hello. I have replaced the revision file. Please review it again, and let me know if you need anything else.

Hey, still some artifacts here:

The unwelded vertices issue hasn’t been fixed at all, it seems.


Hi @AndreusAs, I’ve uploaded the revised version.

Hey, collection approved!