Collection 'Rare Shoe Wearable' created by RareShoe is ready for review!

Rare Shoe Wearable

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**Air Lynks **

Air Ganon


The Air Ganon shoes are so cool, love the green colour palette + texture!

Hi! Sorry for the delay in reviewing this collection, it hasn’t finished uploading yet. Could you check whether the builder page is still open? If so please close it, clear site data and hard refresh the builder. There should also be a “retry” or “resubmit” button within the collection options, try pressing that.


Hey, i have no options, all it says is that it’s being reviewed! I can’t click anything or even cancel it, just delete it.

Thank you so much, can’t wait to release them!

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@Kat hey, i think this review has maybe been forgotten!

Sorry for the delay, these have finished uploading now and work well in world. Thank you for your patience!

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