Collection 'Pilgrim's Legacy' created by 0x5117...a78b7 is ready for review!

Pilgrim’s Legacy

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Will check this now!!

The collection has been assigned to Yannakis

Hey! Please unhide the head, hide the hands and reduce the clipping in the marked area.

Hey @Yannakis we just fixed the hides and uploaded a new representation for the female character clipping! Thanks for double checking those (fat fingered the hide head instead of hide hands :slight_smile: )

Figured thats the case hah. Everything looks good but the textures probably need a bit of compression to fit under the 3 mb limit.

@Yannakis compressed a bit - let us know if the new versions just uploaded are good, thanks!

Hey! These are still super close to 4mb after inspecting the files and still give me an error. Compressing just the thumbnail alone should already be enough. Try using tinypng and updating it!

@Yannakis Just uploaded with reduced thumbnail. Looks to be well under 4MB for me

Hopefully new versions are small enough with the reduced thumb.

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Its 3mb not 4 sorry for the confusion. Will still need to compress the textures for the wearables too since this is currently 3.5mb and wont let me approve. (maximum is 3.145 mb as shown in the image i sent earlier but that also includes the thumbnail and image generated for the NFT which are currently 586kb in the uploaded zip)

Hey @Yannakis – thanks

On our end the files we are uploading are 1.49MB (male version) + 1.3MB (female version) + 0.128 MB (thumb).

Seems like zipping it up must be adding new images or something, we only need the one thumbnail so a bit confused how it comes out to over 3MB here - do you understand what’s going on with that?

Will check into getting more compression, but for future would like to understand why the files we upload are under 3 but the versions that you guys get are over

@Yannakis We just uploaded further compressed versions of the models, can you re-check them?

Thanks for your help figuring this one out!

That was the latest zip file that was uploaded, total 3.37mb.

Checking the newest version now!

Collection approved!