Collection 'Only 90s Kids Know' created by Jonathan#12e4 is ready for review!

Only 90s Kids Know

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Cool “S” 90s Hat


Hey everyone, I hope you like this design! I actually sell these hats IRL and our social media following is 240k on instagram. Hoping to bring my physical products into the Metaverse for all 90s kids to enjoy! I have plans to create many more wearables for Decentraland. Hoping to get approved soon :slight_smile: @Malloy @Lauretta

@only90skidsknow I will have a look at it and go back to you :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello @only90skidsknow the hat looks really nice however there is an issue with the hair category hat should include the hair in the model and you should hide the hair of the avatar if not, things like this can happen

let me know when hou change it and I will review it again

Hi @Lauretta thanks for taking a look. So I just need to set it to “replace hair?” If so, I have done that.

@Lauretta nevermind, I set it to ‘hide hair’ Let me know if that works? Thanks!

yep that is correct, you still have to add hair to the cap and it will be ready to go, if you want the hair to change color paint it in grayscale and put the name Hair_MAT to the hair material @only90skidsknow

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Ok, I believe it is fixed now! @Lauretta

I used to draw this on everything. BUMP !

Thank you! I think a lot of people will relate to the hat as we all drew it at some point in our lives! lol

that’s perfect thanks a lot for adding the hair in the male version I believe there is an issue with front part

of the hair but when that is done I will approve it

Hi @Lauretta! I have made the fix. Let me know if it’s good now. Thank you.

nice, everyhting works now! approved!

Woo Hoo! Thanks. @Lauretta