Collection 'NF Artist Series Wings ' created by 0xfacf...a376f is ready for review!

NF Artist Series Wings

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**NF Wings - Lurk Loves You **

The collection has been assigned to Sango

hi the model is all good, could you add some geometry above the head to make it fit the category?

Hi. I saw a few wings in the same category (top_head) without geometry above the head. What could i add? Transparent geometry? or maybe a few sparkles is enough? Thank you.

it has to be visible and the geometry above the head should take up 50% of the thumbnail

Can we change the category? Instead of “Top Head” can we use “Tiara” in order not to add more geometry? I saw a few models (only wings) in this category like: Rage Wings, Beet Wings by Wisher Vodka and Weed Wings by Kandy Girl.

geometry will need to be added if you make it a tiara too

Hello, the piece has been revised for review. Thanks!

please add hair, earrings and helmet to the “hides” list

Completed, thank you!

This collection has been approved

I realized that I hid hat instead of helmet, so the item is invisible when worn. I have gone in and corrected the mistake and the item needs to be approved again. Thanks!

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