Collection 'Music Setup' created by ARMANNFT#bba7 is ready for review!

@michi ,Thank you for your careful review and help to solve this problem and finally confirm this collection. :pray::pray:

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Hi @michi , Please confirm again. Only tag has been added and no changes have been made.
Tankful :pray:

The collection has been assigned to michitodd

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Thanks @armannft_punks that should be approved again~

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Hi @michi ,I’m sorry, can you please confirm again, I had registered the tag incorrectly, now I have corrected it. I did not change anything else. Of course, I also changed the description.
Thanks :pray:

Hi @michi , Can you please approve again? I am waiting for your feedback. thank you

Hi @michi ,
My item has been inactive for a few days, just to add a tag. I know that the approval and tag addition should be done before October 25.
I don’t understand the delay in approval for the tag. The rest of the experts quickly confirm without any problem. You also confirmed it last time, but this time you ignore it and postpone it for later. In this way, I may not be able to register it for the upcoming festival. Please check and confirm it as soon as possible. No changes have been made to the file. Only tag and description have changed.

Thank you for your understanding and attention

Thanks for your feedback, this is approved.