Collection 'Million.Moda Inaugural Meta Set' created by 0xa9e7...59cd3 is ready for review!

Million.Moda Inaugural Meta Set

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Million.Moda Classic Shirt

Million.Moda Booty Shorts

Heya, Checking this out now!

Cool, looking good! Just a few small fixes.

  • On the female shirt it looks like the neck is popping out of the shirt during the run.


  • On the male during the dance there’s a lot of penetrations at the back.


One more thing! Consider uploading new custom thumbnails so people can get a better look at your items when they’re browsing the marketplace!


Great, thanks. For next steps, Do I make the changes and report back here with an update?

Yep! Just reply in here once everythings fixed and I’ll take another look.

Okay, I had the shirts re-inspected and I uploaded new representations. Can you please re-review?


There was a small fix to the shorts as well - uploaded and ready for review

New rigging looks good. Thank you!

Could you please adjust the thumbnails so we don’t see any of the avatar skin? It will be much clearer to only see the shorts and shirt in the thumbnail. You could move the camera closer to get a better view of the shorts and shirt if we dont include the avatar too. See screenshot for a real quick mockup example.


If you need a hand doing that, let me know.


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Thanks. I might need a little help :slight_smile: I uploaded new thumbnails. LMK if this is what you were thinking.


@grimey can u let me know if any adjustments are still needed for the thumbnails? Cheers!

Thanks for the update. New thumbnails look great. Approved!

Awesome! Thanks so much