Lost in Space
- Description: Do not fear the unknown. Just savor the journey that lies ahead.
- Rarity: epic
- Category: miscellaneous
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Lost in Space
Will check this now!
The collection has been assigned to Yannakis
Hey @Roustan please make sure that the avatar stays withing the cylinder during the animation
Should be better now
Or wait, the entire avatar has to stay in, including the feet? I thought it was just the torso.
Entire avatar must be inside cylinder
Should be good now. please check.
Collection approved!
Thank you very much @Yannakis !
Hey @Yannakis the emote has been showing that broken image thumbnail and not loading in the backpack issue we’ve been seeing with new wearables/emotes for about 20 hours now. Does a dev need to push something? or just continue waiting?
Could you try resetting it in the builder by reuploading the glb?
Reuploaded GLB, set new thumbnail, and added a tag. Still have same result @Yannakis
Just pushed the changes. Did it get fixed now?
Works perfectly! thank you very much @Yannakis
Hello @Yannakis , I added the DCLMF24 tag, please approve changes. thank you
Approved the change!