Collection 'Lambo Jacket' created by anniestarduster is ready for review!

Lambo Jacket

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Lambo Jacket

The collection has been assigned to AndreusAs#3991


  1. Please, acknowledge that you have all the rights to use the art on the back.

  2. Consider making the thumbnail’s background completely transparent.

  3. There is a small gap between upper body and lower body. Can be seen here, for example, consider finetuning.


Here’s written approval from the designer of the back of the jacket image.

Hey, please provide written consent by the art author to proceed with this design. Please email to reconfirm that the NFT/wearable submitted is in full compliance with Decentraland’s Content Policy and Terms of Use and you accept those terms.

In the meantime, please, apply all the other fixes.


@AndreusAs ive updated the thumbnail and files. I’ll email legal now, thanks.

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@AndreusAs we emailed legal and have updated. let us know if it’s good to go, thank you

Hey! Female representation looks like this, male representation is good to go:


Hey just uploaded a new female file, let me know if that works. thank you

Hey, collection approved!