Collection 'KOA-GodricsWasteland-Gear1' created by Antrom is ready for review!


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Wasteland Armor

Wasteland Pants

Wasteland Helmet

Wasteland Mage Armor

Wasteland Mage Pants

Wasteland Mage Helmet

Wasteland Apex Helmet

Wasteland Apex Pants

Wasteland Apex Armor

hi i will check this now

The collection has been assigned to Sango

Hi can you make sure theres no backfacing normals seen through the bottom of the helmets (all 3)

could you also reduce the tri count on this item closer to 3k

The material/texture count on helmets should be 2/2 max

let me know once these are done and ill take another look

@sango changes are done

Perfect, just one last thing. There seems to be an extra texture on the Apex Armour

I also noticed that you no longer have the front on thumbnails of Apex and Mage armour, would you like to add them back in too?

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@sango, all set. Havent issues re-uploading the thumbnails :frowning: its fine for now thank you

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im having troubles with approving the collection. its saying a file is over 3mb.

from my UI i can see that one file is marked as 3mb, could you try reduce this file size to see if it helps?

Reducing the file size (in mb) will be your best bet in lowing the total file size

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@Sango I removed the thumbnail, did that help?

Yes that did it, this collection has been approved!

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