Collection 'Ice Squad - Limited Edition Drip' created by ZACHARINA is ready for review!

@Frank Thank you so much for your support with the issue I had. I really appreciate your time and effort to explain in a more elaborate manner the things I was trying to communicate. Thank you again. :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:

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The reason for so many words is because there was no IP violation here and the creator was prevented from publishing the wearable for 3 weeks due to this false claim.

If there was no problem, the collection would have been approved before β€˜so many words’ were used. IP violations are serious, but the claimant should actually own those exclusive rights they are claiming. Thank you for approving the wearable and I sincerely hope you have a good day.

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I changed the description of the published wearable and now it has gone back to review. How can I see the new review process? @collections

collection re-approved!

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Thank you so much! :pray: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

The wearable status was β€œunsynced” and I clicked push changes and now it has gone back to review? Is this supposed to happen when it was re-approved already? My apologies if I have made a mistake here, I have not ever made any edits to wearables. Please let me know what to do! @theankou

re-approved once again :slight_smile:

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